Monday, August 07, 2006


I'm not going to see the movie, World Trade Center

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about 9/11/01 and the horrific images of that day. Myself and other Americans have those images and the emotional reactions to them ingrained in our psyche. It's a day that no one can forget. With that in mind, I was actually going to go and see the movie, World Trade Center by Oliver Stone, because I thought he would do a good job in reflecting what we all witnessed. I was going to go until I read this line in the article above about the movie:
Paramount Pictures, which is releasing World Trade Center, reached out to
conservatives and Republicans to gain their support for the movie, and it
worked. Conservative columnist Cal Thomas says the movie "is one of the greatest pro-American, pro-family, pro-faith, pro-male, flag-waving, God Bless America
films you will ever see."
I don't want to see it now if the right wing retards in our nation are going to prop it up to be THEIR day where men were men, women weren't heroes, Christianity rules!, and flag waving (and not sending your child to fight Bush's wars!) is the only way to show how much you love your country! I am so tired of their freaking rhetoric, so I'm not going to watch the movie now.
Our whole country came away from that day loving our country more than ever, meaning, we saw our fellow Americans die tragically live on our televisions and it hurt us. We cried for the family members lost. We also saw most of the world embrace our country, many of which exclaimed, "We are all Americans!". It was amazing how our country was cuddled that day and in the days ahead. I, personally, will never forget it. We love our country, but sometimes we don't agree with the leader of it, and our Dearl Leader didn't embrace that notion right from the start.
When Iraq was brought into the picture the following year, America changed. We became more divided than we were on September 10th, 2001. Why? Because anyone who didn't back Bush's illegal invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation was considered a traitor to our country by the very party above who thinks this movie will help out their causes! Freedom of speech was replaced with Nationalism. If you weren't for what Bush wanted to do, then you were a terrorist. Case closed in their eyes. I'm still pissed off about it. Many people I know who have always hung out their American flag are either not hanging it out now or are hanging it upside down! They're livid with the America under Bush and under the people who fly their flags because it is cool to do, who won't send their children to fight the Bush wars, and who believe that they are more righteous than the rest of us because.........they support Bush.
This is why I'm not going to see the movie. I'm not going to help out the republican agenda by watching propaganda to inflate their causes (who wants to bet they use some of scenes from this movie in their upcoming campaigns!). I'm sure it's a wonderful movie, but because the right wingers are embracing it tells me that there isn't a lot of questioning going on in this movie and Americans will walk away knowing less than they did before they originally saw it. Yup, it's a film right up the alley of the neocons who thinks truth is calling someone a bad name. I spit on them and this movie. Not going to see it.

Of course, if BUSH had mistakenly refered to Oliver STONE as "Oliver North" you'd be all over him with "moron, doesn't even know the director's name! Ha, more proof he's an idiot".

But since you just made that mistake, I suppose you'll give yourself a pass.
Hey guess what? I can admit to a mistake! I actually saw it as soon as I posted it but didn't feel like bringing it back up to fix it. I will fix it and admit that I made a mistake.

How many times has Bush ever admitted a mistake? Never! He's a spoiled rotten rich kid whose had his daddy and the bin Ladens come to his rescue for years!

It's what makes him who he is. He's not humble because he's never made a mistake and has never ever admitted to one either. You can only be humble if you've done one or the other or both.

I bet you're going to see the movie and you're going to bring your Bible and your flag, huh?
No, I'm not actually going to see it because I saw the real deal and don't think a movie can top it.

I don't bring books or flags with me to a darkened theater and don't see how they would make a 'statement' if I did.

Speaking of humility....what has Clinton apologized for? What has the Democrats apologized for? Have they admitted to having misjudged the Soviet Union or gotten it wrong with respect to the economy? NO.

BUSH HAS acknowledged being wrong in his belief that Saddam had a warehouse filled with WMDs. But being wrong isn't the same thing as "lying".

His state of the Union address wasn't "WRONG" and it wasn't "a lie". The Brits DID - and DO believe that Saddam sought for yellow cake in Africa. THEY NEVER CLAIMED IT WAS NIGER. AND THEY NEVER CLAIMED SADDAM SUCCESSFULLY ACQUIRED YELLOWCAKE. Neither did Bush. So Wilson's claim otherwise is hogwash.

But the Left is so desperate to paint Bush as wrong all the evidence to the contrary is when our troops CONTINUE TO FIND CHEMICAL WEAPONS IN IRAQ... to the tune of HUNDREDS of artillery shells... it's poo-pooed as "old news" or "relics" when in fact, they are PROOF that Saddam's regime never completely disarmed from the first Gulf War as they claimed they did.

But this isn't hyped more because the Media refuses to ADMIT MISTAKES.
I'm not seeing the movie. Why? Wait for a few weeks and we'll "see" it on TV, in the form of documentaries, news reports, etc.

9/11 was a horrific day in history. I refuse to sit in a theatre and relive it.

I have to wonder about the mental stabilities of those who wish to do so.
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