Friday, August 25, 2006


It's Friday ya bastards... what better way to end the week with fearful airline stories! Yes, that's right. There is nothing more that would satisfy the blood/fearlust of the Bush Regime than to have the media focus on diverted airline flights just to keep Americans fearful for the weekend! So here goes...

US Flight from Amsterdam to India contains Indians! Wow! Phew. Who knew. Glad they scared the beejesus out of the passengers just to clarify the obvious!

Of course, only a ding dong from Texas would buy a stick of dynamite as a souvenier while on vacation in Bolivia and then actually put it in his luggage! Bush hasn't made Texans more stupid. I think Bush has just brought attention to how stupid they all can be sometimes.

A Plane from England diverted to Bangor International Airport today because of a suspicious passenger name (or skin color...sometimes it's not clear nowadays) Governor Baldacci (a democrat of course) responded appropriately.

And the final fear moment today was when...

This flight was diverted because of a missing panel in the bathroom. A missing panel! Oh, now there's something to be scared about. If I find out that it was a panel of toilet paper, I'm going to scream!!!

So, it's Friday you bastards and the Bush Regime needs you to be scared so you'll worry about it throughout the weekend and won't focus on their corruption, incompetence, and warmongering!!! Besides, Bush is vacationing at the Bush family compound this weekend and he hasn't done that for two years. Yup, it seems that he would be vacationing with his family when there's a level-5 hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean right now that could head straight to the Gulf Coast!

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