Thursday, August 17, 2006


More 9/11 tapes released

As with everything under the Bush Regime, I find the timing of the release of these new tapes to be very suspect. Isn't it interesting that the November elections are coming and we are seeing an increase in fake terror plots, more incidents on planes where passengers are accused of being terror suspects (only to find out a passenger was freaking out because she was taking a flight from London to the US! Who wouldn't after Bush & Britian made such a big deal out of the terror plot unfolding by individuals who didn't even have passports!), and then yesterday cargo at a Seattle port was suspected of explosive material after a dog sniffed it and turns out it was nothing but a bunch of oily rags? So, it makes sense that the fear mongers are wanting Americans to keep thinking the Boogeyman is going to get us and must not forget about what happened on 9/11 while the Bush Regime takes our rights away!!!!
No can forget 9/11/01 who watched the horror that day live on their televisions. No one.
I'm sure the families of the victims in the WTCs are grateful to hear the voices of their loved ones once more. It must be difficult to hear them panicking, however, but whenever I've heard the tapes played on t.v., I am always happy to hear the dispatchers, who are talking with the victims and helping them while they plea, talking in a calm, compassionate, and nurturing voice. This must bring great comfort to the families knowing that there was a person on the other end of the phone who cared that morning knowing the obvious was bound to happen. I hope it gives them peace.

It's a fact that the Abu Grahib incident was hyped on the front pages of the New York Times and allied newspapers and news shows far more times than were the stories of folk killed on 9/11... we were spared no images of a small unit of soldiers abusing Iraqi criminals, but were immediately shielded from the images and sounds of OUR civilians being killed.

Why? Obviously to keep us from getting angry at the terrorists while allowing them to nurture grudges against us.

Every time the MSM allows images of the Twin Tower jumpers to leak out, Americans get furious... the "American Street" gets riled up... which Liberals consider "a bad thing". So we get more breathless stories about how bad we are, how evil our intentions are, how mean we are, how much WE deserved to be attacked, how awfully unpopular we are (when was the last time you read an opinion poll about how unpopular the terrorists are?)

We're being played alright, but not by the Bush administration. We've been played by the Media - all of whom are Democrats, all owned by companies whose CEOs and top elites are DEMOCRATS.
Kay, I see you have your very own analuseless foole here, also..

9-11 was the ONLY thing FOR DAYS foole. As it should have been. Pictures on FRONT pages for days, but MORE importantly...the IMAGES...24-7....those Images of planes into buildings....and buildings crashing to the ground were very correctly shown many times....images of people looking for loved ones...and friends...the first responders rushing in to people they never met....right before the buildings came crashing down...images of that horrible pile of steel, concrete, broken glass, and lost humans. Lost for all eternity...lives cut way too short......yes I can type this just allowing those images to come back to the surface.... so your neo-con repug spin is a LIE nothing more.

So how about admitting they show the pictures every time they discuss 9-11. This September they will honor the fallen and replay the images of that Day so NOBODY will ever forget.

Your probably nothing more than a closet bigot who has found a new class of people to HATE.

The Abu Ghraib story was REAL and dangerous. The people who misused prisoners and assaulted them endangered every soldier in the war a veteran of Desert Storm, I can realise that treating POW's bad causes the other side to do the same. Besides being VIOLATIONS of the Geneva convention.

Guy if your so Angry RUN to the Marine recruiters office and SIGN right up.

As for your lie about the MSM...


GE is not liberal...

Murdoch owns FOX...nuff said

Disney owns ABC....

they sure are not liberal..

Time Warner is not a liberal organisation

Good stupid repug talking points with NO facts...just what KKKArl uses right son?

Bush, Cheney, Dumsfeld and Rove have played 9-11 and the war on terra, until they have played it out...and the American people are waking up. They do not see what bush ET AL claim, in fact, they see something that is at odds to the lies and smear Rove spews. Every election cycle Rove is there with with lies..(the swiftboaters) half truths..Bush's National Guard service and spin tons and tons of spin. And they play the FEAR bad there is NO FDR to rally the people like he did for fighting the depression..and a war that DWARFS this one many times over.

Your just pissed off because the American public have woken up, so the repugs are LOSING and no matter what Rove has done it ain't getting better is it son?

Delay fell

Ney fell

Cunningham was convicted

Bush's poll numbers are circling to bowl for the last 6 months.

Cheney's are in the sewer pipe already, in fact he is basically perceived as a JOKE when he spews HATE any more.

The corrupt repug congress is getting what they deserve...they same they threw around in 1994, charges of corruption...but this time is was corruption that rivaled the MAFIA. Normal people can recognize that comparison son. And they do NOT like what they see in the repug corrupt theocracy which has grabbed power for their own gain and ignored the very real problems of the vast majority of Americans like

Health care


Stagnant Wages

Disappearing Jobs

High Gas Prices

Higher Prices all around

Undefended borders 5 years after 9-11

Undefended ports 5 years after 9-11

A Fiasco in Iraq

A growing Fiasco in Afghanistan

Osama(you know the guy Bush forgot) still on the loose

Terror Alerts that come and go for no rime or reason

A failed Social Security grab

The Fiasco they now call FEMA

KATRINA and Bush's lack in almost everyting for over a week

Bush's MONTH long Vacations, most people get less than 2 weeks

See foole many problems that bush does not even touch normal people deal with daily, so go back to freeperville and slime there where it is the normal.

BTW bet you NEVER even thought about the FACT that there was a lot more New York liberals in the Towers than red state rednecks.
Cliff is right.

Bush is a miserable human being, much less President.

Bush could care less about rising oil prices,( he makes money from that). Bush could care less about rising interest rates stalling the economy, ( his buddies make money from that). Bush could care less about all the deaths he has caused in Iraq and in Israel and Lebanon, ( Bush and his buddies make money off that).

Bush still refuses to stop the illegal wiretapping, even after a federal judge ordered him to.

Bush is a manical tyrant and a wanna be Napoleon.

Bush's quest to take over the world will end up destroying it.
Where does all the hate come from? Sure the first guy is a conservative, th second is a liberal, but basically you sent the same message with the same amount of anger...
Very simple the first Anonymous poster ..put up DISHONEST repug spin....and that should be REFUTED with vigor when and where ever it rears it's ugly head...the repugs are slowly dragging this country into the cesspool of history
Where does the anger come from Anonymous? Have you spent enough time online talking with neocon Bush supporters who never answer your questions and resort to spin? It gets frustrating after awhile!!!

My post was on the 9/11 tapes that were released, but if you notice, the 1st Anonymous (you all's your nature) started talking about Abu Graib like Abu Graib was a good thing!!

We tortured people after BUSH ILLEGALLY INVADED AND OCCUPIED A SOVEREIGN NATION! What right do we have to do that?

Would American businessmen have been beheaded by the Iraqis if America had never illegally invaded? Nope!!! We wouldn't have been over there for it to happen.

So we torture the Iraqis and others and the hatred is fueled against us........

Neocons don't understand that concept. They think the brown skinned people should be happy that we illegally invaded their country to have them work at the local Taco Bell (it's in Iraq) to serve our soldiers!!!!!!!!

So, we HATE the neocons. They're stupid people and Americans are now understanding that the Bush supporters of our country are what is wrong with our country. They're dangerous people these Bush supporters because they don't care that Bush has thrown away our great reputation as a country. They don't care that Bush is using our Constitution as a place mat at his dinner table. They rally the destruction of our country because THEY HATE WHAT AMERICA STANDS FOR!!!

Bush supporters are the traitors of our country, while the rest of us, liberals, democrats, and moderate republicans are the REAL AMERICANS.

So yes, we are angry. Thanks for noticing.

Thanks so much for coming to my blog (you too Larry!!). I've been so busy lately with trying to work out the financing for a house, going to home ownership classes at night (have learned a ton of info!), running my business, and keeping my son from being bored, that I haven't posted daily as I should be!!!

Let's hope this week I'll have the time!

So much has happened in the last week or so and I keep slapping my head because I haven't had the time to sit down and write about it.
Amazing that you people don't see the difference between the terrorists' officially proposed and sought for policy of targetting unarmed civilians for death and maiming vs. a small unit of soldiers taking it on themselves to abuse CRIMINALS picked up on the battlefield.

Apples and oranges. Oh, and the fact that while the Military was the one that discovered and punished the Abu Grahib soldiers without a Media orgy, the Media used the isolated incident to gin up outrage and embarrass the USA - letting the 'freedom fighters' use it as 'excuse' to kill business men as though killing unarmed civilians is = guards beating up or humiliating criminals.

Then I find your need to project bigotry on me very interesting. You know only what I type yet find that typical liberal need to project your own bigotry on me - that old ad hominem need to attack the person rather than the argument. Interesting.

But it's still a fact that the New York times has run more front page photos and stories about the prison scandal than they have shown the horrible images of 9/11 victims jumping or on fire. They clean up the stories of OUR PEOPLE KILLED but hype every story of our people accidentally hurting the enemy.

And you fall for it: you blame the USA for all the world's ills and problems and give the terrorists a complete pass.... you blame Bush or the military for war and give the terrorists and Islamofascists a pass...

I love your hypocrisy when it comes to national security too.... you're mad about Iraq but have no alternative, you're mad about the borders and ports...but have no alternative...when we propose to build a wall... the Left has a cow. When we propose to tighten security with the ports the Left torpedo's the deal - making sure a Chinese company takes over operations!

When we focus on Iraq in 2003 you all insisted Iran and North Korea were bigger threats. Now that we're going after Iran you're caterwalling about us being warmongers. Well, what's your brilliant plan for peace? How are you guys proposing we beat Al Qaeda? Kill Osama? Is that going to stop his cause?

When Zarqawi was alive and well the Left claimed it was our failure...when we killed him, they immediately claimed "it didn't matter." Same with Osama: now that he's alive it's "our fault"; when we kill him, it'll suddenly be "not important".

You jokers have no alternatives so you content yourselves with blaming Bush for all problems.
Analuseless said...

Amazing that you people don't see the difference between the terrorists' officially proposed and sought for policy of targeting unarmed civilians for death and maiming vs. a small unit of soldiers taking it on themselves to abuse CRIMINALS picked up on the battlefield.

No son tens of thousands of Iraqi's who were sometimes picked up for nothing more than a commanders order to bring ALL adult males over 16 years old in, you know being guilty of being male in a country WE invaded. and our policy has resulted in many people who had NOTHING to do with the insurgency in Iraq before their stay at Abu openly supporting if NOT participating in it....real brilliant move there

Apples and oranges.

Yes son on a BLOG thread titled;

"More 9/11 tapes released"

You open with;

It's a fact that the Abu Ghraib incident was hyped on the front pages of the New York Times

Like you said dufuss...apples to oranges

Oh, and the fact that while the Military was the one that discovered and punished the Abu Ghraib soldiers without a Media orgy,

Far from it BOY they tried to cover it up and denied that people who had to know about it, and aided in creating the environment that foisted it were responsible...Hell idiot they GAVE Miller an award for basically setting the whole thing in motion.

the Media used the isolated incident to gin up outrage and embarrass the USA -

Isolated to a repuig foole hiding under HIS bed from the fear Rove feeds you every day

letting the 'freedom fighters' use it as 'excuse' to kill business men as though killing unarmed civilians is = guards beating up or humiliating criminals.

If we do not want unintended consequences of our actions we need to get rid of the idiot in chief, dead eye dumsfeld and their pathetic minions who kiss their asses instead of calling them as stupid fooles who are too incompetent to lead a boy scout troop let alone this country and military ..especially in their optional war.

Then I find your need to project bigotry on me very interesting.

Act like a bigot and you'll get called on it on a progressive site...we do not goosestep here and question those who are advocating tactics the goosesteppers of the 30's used.

You know only what I type yet find that typical liberal need to project your own bigotry on me - that old ad hominem need to attack the person rather than the argument.

you argument is bull and your simply the backwash defending the undefendable to placate your pathetic insecurity you HAVE


yes a repug insecure troll who tries to be intelligent while denying the truth

But it's still a fact that the New York times has run more front page photos and stories about the prison scandal than they have shown the horrible images of 9/11 victims jumping or on fire.

BULLSHIT quote links or STFU

They clean up the stories of OUR PEOPLE KILLED but hype every story of our people accidentally hurting the enemy.

Far from it son...they had friends there, and it still eludes you clowns that there were MORE New York Liberals than stupid redstate rednecks in those towers that day.

And you fall for it: you blame the USA for all the world's ills

Not all of them just the ones they caused and the 1953 overthrow of a democratically elected government in Iran for the control of the oil there, which came back to BITE our collective asses in 1979, but we scream LOUDLY about 1979 without acknowledging we STARTED that ball rolling.

and problems and give the terrorists a complete pass....

No stupid we are for getting know clown..(the guy Bush forgot) when he ran off to invade a country which HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9-11, but that was the lie they spun to invade...(besides the disappearing WMD's)

you blame Bush or the military for war

Well who to FUCK do you think STARTED the war in Iraq?

and give the terrorists and Islamofascists a pass...

NO STUPID we are people who decried the leaving the hunt for Osama by going into Iraq and going after Saddam..

It would have been like ignoring Hitler in WW2 to go after Franco in Spain.....after all they were both fascists

I love your hypocrisy when it comes to national security too....

Like the borders and ports Bush has FAILED to secure FDIVE years after 9-11.

and the fact he was for CUTTING money to find liquid explosives, at the very same time they were investigating a plot to use those very same explosives in a new plot to attack airliners.

you're mad about Iraq

HELL YES WE ARE it wasted LIVES tens of thousands of them, Money hundreds of Billions of dollars, destroyed a country. for NOPTHING at all. NADA zip....we got nothing for the effort but 2600+ flag draped coffins, and almost 20,000 wounded American service personnel

but have no alternative,

1 do not start it...was that so HARD?

2 Disengage..the longer we are there the WORSE it gets...and it is adding to the terrorists recruiting efforts daily. wasting more troops lives and bodies and money we do not have to spare. Give the country BACK to the Iraqi people and let them correct the fiasco we made there.

you're mad about the borders

No son the borders are is the lack of border security that has us upset.

and ports

The ports are fine also...but trying to sell them to the very same people who hunted with Osama, and aided him in his financial transactions was not Bush's best day...along with a hell of a lot more boneheaded moves.

...but have no alternative

guard the the necessary border guards...enforce the laws against illegal hiring of people with out proper know the simple things.......

when we propose to build a wall...

Like that solved the Russians problems in Berlin..

BTW how is that wall doing?

the Left has a cow.

No son just questioning how a 300 mile wall guards a 1500 mile border, as in places where a wall exists the immigrants seem to be able to circumvent it.

When we propose to tighten security with the ports the Left torpedo's the deal - making sure a Chinese company takes over operations!

Well they have all the money we keep giving them thru Walmart...which they have to invest somewhere...and besides after Bush borrows enough money they can claim ownership because our assets of the country will about equal our debt to them,,,start learning Chinese...and hide your stars and bars son.

When we focus on Iraq in 2003 you all insisted Iran and North Korea were bigger threats.

They were then and are now, but instead of talking to then directly which is the NORM...bush hid because he wanted to get the guy who took a shot at his daddy....

Now that we're going after Iran you're caterwauling about us being warmongers.

Son look around whit whose military and whose military equipment. If you think Iraq is a mess. just wait..Invading Iran will make the fiasco in Iraq seem simple to straighten out......and when we invade ...Iran and they fight back with 100,000 suicide bombers world wide just call it collateral damage from a dumb idea implemented by incompetent fooles.

Well, what's your brilliant plan for peace?

Stop creating more enemies than we can deal with

How are you guys proposing we beat Al Qaeda?

Go back to Afghanistan where they were, and get Pakistan where they are to aid us..Put the troops in Iraq who are doing nothing constructive because there is nothing more they can do there, IN Afghanistan and finish the unfinished job.

Kill Osama?

SEE above, cut off him, al zarhawi, clean up the total mess we call successful, Afghanistan...and then stay the FUCK out of the politics of the region...people would NOT hate us so much if we stopped trying to FORCE our will on them.

Is that going to stop his cause?

When Zarqawi was alive and well the Left claimed it was our failure...when we killed him, they immediately claimed "it didn't matter." Same with Osama: now that he's alive it's "our fault"; when we kill him, it'll suddenly be "not important".

You jokers have no alternatives

See above asshole, and GFY

so you content yourselves with blaming Bush for all problems.

Not all jerkoff, just all the ones he and his neo-con cabal have foisted the last 26 years...see Cheney and Dumsfeld were in on selling Iran the Nuclear reactor they have NOW during the Ford administration....Reagan and bush's daddy SOLD Iran weapons...illegally BTW

Get a grip FOOLE your repug ass is about to get democratised come november and YOU HATE IT,

so suck on that instead of Rove for a while.
Why do you assume I'm a conservative? I only stated I don't like the anger and polarization that comes with the "debate"(if one could call it that) today. I'm very close to the center politically, and I vote for who in my mind is the best candidate. In '00 I voted for Bush; in '04 for Kerry. It's fine to be upset with your government, to be angry at the government, but there's no need for personal attacks, sweeping generalizations, and other types of rhetoric that do nothing to move the country forward.
Anonymous said...

Why do you assume I'm a conservative?

When it walks like a duck, and defends others who are ducks, it is easy to assume that you are in the company of the ducks.

I only stated I don't like the anger and polarization that comes with the "debate"(if one could call it that) today.

Sorry son, but your the one who posted about abu Ghraib, in you opening line on a thread about 9-11 tapes, which means you TRIED to derail the thread from the begining, and you words deny your claims, you NOW make.

I'm very close to the center politically, and I vote for who in my mind is the best candidate. In '00 I voted for Bush; in '04 for Kerry.

Hard to believe, but IF you did, why do you insist on defending the FOOLE, and he HAS filled the shoes of a foole over the last 5 years. And repugs like to pretend they really are a majority, and had a mandate...which disapated like a fart in the wind...once Bush did just what Kerry claimed he would ...go after social security right after the congress got seated.

It's fine to be upset with your government, to be angry at the government,

Upset is putting it mildly.

but there's no need for personal attacks, sweeping generalizations, and other types of rhetoric that do nothing to move the country forward.

You mean like Faux news, freepers, Limpman, Coulterguist, O'Liely, Malkin, Savage, Hannity, Robertson, Falwell, Kristol, Ingram, Rove, Cheney, Delay, Frist, Horowitz, Gibson, Rivera, Cosby, Scarborough, Matthews, Melmahn, Rumsfeld, Will, Gigot, Bennett, Medved, Reed, Scalia, Alito, Quayle, Gramm, Dornan, Gingrich, Snow, Hutchison, Kyl, Abrams, Feith, Perle, Weber, Wolfowitz, Chambliss, Ashcroft, Lott, Santorum, McConnell, Blunt, Hastert, Instapundit, Redstate, Little Green footballs, Hayworth, Doolittle, Thomas, Dreier, Lewis, Hunter, Issa, Paumbo, Tancredo, Harris, Blackwell, Fletcher, Hyde, Souder, Burton, Pence, Rogers, Davis, Northop, Lewis, Pickering, Sweeney, King, LaTourette, Ney, Schmitt, Boehner, Weldon, Sensenbrenner, Allard, Allen, Bond, Brownback, Bunning, Burns, Burr, Chambliss, Coburn, Cochran, Coleman, Cornyn, Craig, Hatch, Bennett, Kyl, Huctison, Sessions, DeWine, Domminici, Enzi, Ensign, Inhofe, Grassley, Roberts, Gregg, Santauram, Talent, Stevens, Thomas, Thune, Bolton, Negroponte, and BUSH, and Bush, and Bush, among others do REGULARLY?

I mean with out what you decry NOW they would have LITTLE to say.....
Cliff, the first anonymous poster and I are not the same person. I think the first anonymous(the one who talked about abu gharib) is way off his rocker. Sorry for the confusion.
Anonymous said...

Cliff, the first anonymous poster and I are not the same person. I think the first anonymous(the one who talked about Abu Ghraib) is way off his rocker. Sorry for the confusion.

then take the initiative to either register..or at least check other which will allow you to have a handle which repug trolls usually do not. unless the blog owner requires them to.

besides if you register..your moniker is good for all eblogger blogs....
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