Monday, August 07, 2006


Tepees & rainbow flags are coming to Crawford, Texas!

Cindy Sheehan is back from Jordan! She and other anti-war activists are setting up shop on her newly purchased land to protest our Dear Leader's wars and to find out what noble cause he is sending our young men and women to die for. Love her. I can't wait to find out what was said and learned in her meeting with Iraqi Parliament leaders at their meeting in Jordan!
Cindy is such a huge inspiration to all of us who want to see some peace for the first time in six years while under the worst Administration in the history of our country. The right wingers can put her down all they want, but in the end, Cindy will be the one who was working hard towards peace while the right wing pundits were desperately trying to keep the maiming, the paralyzing, and the killing of our soldiers and others going!
We're on the side of humanity while the opposite side of the isle is not. Hail Cindy in all your efforts!

I briefly heard snippets from a "live feed" by Dumbya from Crawford. I will try to find a transcript and publish it on my blog in a while.
I hope Cindy continues to be a poisonous thorn in his side. I do believe her son would have been so proud of her. I know I am.
She is a poisonous thorn in Bush's side and the funniest part is he is so afraid of her! It could be an opportunity for him to embrace the side of peace by sitting down with her again, but this time, listening to her and not acting a complete arrogant ass! He needs to put himself in her shoes for a moment and think about what if it were his twins who were sent to an illegal war only for them to be killed within 2 weeks of landing on the ground! He would be devastated if he was a loving parent!

Cindy will keep at him until he folds his knees, falls to the ground, and explains his actions!!!!

She's ruthless and that is why I love her so much. :-) What mother wouldn't be doing what she is doing? Cindy was extremely proud of Casey's service (all military parents are!) but she doesn't agree with the war and can't see the real reason why our children are dying. She's an amazing woman to say the least!
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