Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Video of Fox News journalists released today...

...and I have to say, the video looks suspicious and weird to me.
When the breaking news bulletin hit the airwaves today and as I was walking to the t.v. to see what was going on, I had an imagine in my mind as to what I would see. I figured it would be a grainy video like we're always shown and the men would look disheveled and would look like they hadn't slept in days. Didn't happen. What I saw today was two journalists who have been in captivity now for 9 days looking fresh (not pale like some are reporting) in appearance and relaxed! Wow! Weird. What I also found striking was the way they talked with each other and to the camera. It seemed rehearsed. In fact, one of them started listing off items that the terrorists had provided for them by using his fingers to count. Seems odd that he would take the time to do that. It's almost like he was trying to remember what his line was! You'd think that if you're being told that you will die (by beheading I'm sure) if the US doesn't release ALL Muslims in their prisons, you wouldn't be in a relaxed posture and using your fingers to count all the good things your captors have provided for you!
And wasn't it odd that this new terrorist death squad group that the Palestinian government had never heard of used a brand new black cloth behind the journalists and had camera equipment that was of good quality! Wow! Is it possible that these are the "Islamofascists" that George Wingnut Bush has been talking about in recent weeks? They're the Muslims who are the big corporation owners who are using their corporations to control the countries that they reside in? Is this why they can afford the better video camera and have the snazzy backdrop? Could be!
I also thought it was odd that the kidnappers weren't in the video either holding a gun to the Fox News journalist's heads. Isn't that part of the psychological break down when you've kidnapped someone, especially when you are threatening a superpower to release prisoners? Again, I find it odd that they weren't included in this video!
I brought this topic up on Americablog to see what others thought about the video and one poster said that wouldn't it be funny if the black cloth dropped and Fox Studios was revealed behind it! Another poster also suggested that the tape did sound kind of echoey, so it's possible this whole thing was filmed in the back of a trailer truck! I just found the videotape to be really odd. It didn't have fear in it that is usually perceived or picked up on when you're watching one of these kidnapping videos. These two journalists appeared way too relaxed and if you watch them in the beginning of the video the skinny guy appears to be holding back a smile.
Because the republican party is in the toilet and because the Bush Regime wants to stay in the Middle East and is desperate to continue their wars and aggressions, it does seem plausible that these yahoos would fake a kidnapping and make up some group that no one has ever heard of to get away with it! Desperate men always take desperate measures. The Bush Regime is no exception.
Here's a still frame of the two journalists in the video:

Only in Bush's America could we ever conceive of faking a kidnapping for political gain.

Only in Bush's America, has the terror levels been raised regularly when Bush looks bad in the polls.

Only in Bush's America, could we supposedly be protected personally by Bush, every move we make.

Ony in Bush's America, would Fox News Channels Geraldo claim he personally fought off 50 Taliban in Afganistan, only to find out Geraldo was 150 miles away from the actual battle.

Geraldo wasn't fired for his lies. Geraldo wasn't taken off the air for making up such a bogus tale.

Fox News and the Bush administration are just alike.

They will lie and destroy for THEIR own gain.
Hi Larry. Yup, the "kidnapping video" looks very, very suspicious, but then again, we're dealing with Fox News which is the right arm of the Bush Regime, so anything is possible. It's propaganda all the time now and faking an abducted/capture is right up their alley!!!!!!!

Have I told you lately that I despise them all? If I haven't, well, I still hate them.
The latest kidnap video looked strange. Even the Centanni acted different than the other kidnap victims.

I am surprised they didn't have Geraldo appear kidnapped since he claims to have done so much against terrorist.

After all if it is a setup, Bush will be getting the minds of the public off all the deaths, and Fox News can regain some of their faltering ratings.

Maybe Fox News will send Geraldo in to rescue them.
I think Fox News should just sent Geraldo onto the front lines in Iraq just to see how long the bastard would last out there! Now that would be great footage.

Larry, we have a sad nation right now. Our country is not even close to what it was prior to 2000 (and I'm talking about all the 220 something years before it...not just the Clinton years!). It's such bullshit the outright manipulation of our country's citizens. The Bush Regime doesn't even hide what they're doing. Their arrogance is disgusting.

The November elections can't come quick enough for me! I'm hoping Americans have smartened their asses up and have realized that country is more important than party!!!

Let's hope. :-)
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