Wednesday, September 13, 2006


4,000 calls a day to the Baghdad 9-1-1 Call Center

Holy crap. There are 4,000 calls a day to this center reporting explosions, killings, and other stuff in Baghdad. If I'm not mistaken, there are only 24 million people in the whole country for crying out loud! To me, that seems like a lot of calls for emergency help in a country that we are occupying. Oh, but if you talk to Bush, Cheney, and Dummy in the Pentagon, they'll tell ya that everything is fine, go about your business, and continue shopping!!! To them, their nation building project has been a success.
Oh yes and of course, there is no civil war going on. From the article linked above:

The worst calls go to Police Chief Ali al-Yaseri. When ABC News was
visiting, he responded to a shootout between rival Sunni and Shiite gangs.

"They hate each other," al-Yaseri said. "And they're taking revenge,
which is causing all these causalities."
Anytime two opposing groups are fighting against each other in the same country, it's called a civil war. According to the fascist Pigs who own the Memory Hole, this is no longer the definition. Remember, continue shopping, fly your flag high, and pretend like we're not occupying a sovereign nation for the Bush Regime's fascist Pigs to line their deep pockets! Spit.

Those calls to the Help Center are probably thousands of Iraqi citizens wondering where they can throw their roses to the Bush brigade, for blowing up their country, killing thousands of women and children and maiming thousands more.

Those calls to the center are probably Iraqi soldiers offering to lend their protective gear to US troops, since the Bush government refused to provide any.

Maybe those thousands of calls are to tell Bush that they know there are WMD's somewhere so if he would continue to blow up the rest of the country, surely they would find them.
They're calls for help Larry! Bush has made an absolute mess of Iraq because he put boots on the ground to protect American interests (military bases, American embassy, the oil fields, and the corporations!) and forgot to protect the people of Iraq. It's a civil war and the calls are rolling in everyday to the 9-1-1 center!

What a bastard Bush is.
Bush doesn't hear calls for help. Bush only hears calls for blood for oil.
Just wait, the repugs will shout how good it was we got the 9-1-1 system working so well........(scarcasm off)
Yeah Clif and once they realize how well the system is working and how well a record of how many people are suffering in Iraq, well, expect the system to be offline here shortly!

The Memory Hole has been the Bush Regime's greatest tool since 2000.
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