Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Awww, how cute...a showdown in Washington about torture

Dammit, Bush just wants to torture something, he doesn't care what or who it is....he just doesn't want to be told that he can't! Our spoiled rotten, warmongering, lying, no good for nothing not even good at leading a nation, deceitful, hateful, most vile fascist president is in a showdown right now with his GOPers in the Senate because he wants to continue to let the CIA torture whoever they capture and he wants to allow the CIA to keep information from the defense lawyers so the prisoner cannot fight his or her case! Pigs, spit, spit. Basically, Bush is saying he's the Decider and the Unitary Executive and the Fascist Dictator and because of that......he needs torture and needs no stinking laws on the books keeping him from doing that! As depicted in the picture, Jesus was tortured before he died. If Jesus was alive today and the CIA caught him because of racial profiling, his views against the Establishment, and because of his hippie look, Bush and his NeoFascist followers would demand to have Jesus waterboarded! Shameful and disgusting but so very true. Torturing has never been proven to be an effective tool in gathering information, but you can't convince the warmongering hateful Fascists in the White House and Pentagon of that! They would much rather torture until their subject dies. Ask Hitler. Torturing until death heeded no information, but man, he and his men sure had themselves a good time! Spit. Is it too late to ask for my country back, you know, the one that always held itself to a higher moral standard than those of it's enemies?
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Why criticize Bush for wanting to torture someone.
After all he has tortured the American citizens daily for nearly 6 years with the same old tired line of his little Iraqi "war on terror".
Maybe Bush needs new blood to torture. Goodness knows he has shed enough American blood.
After all he has tortured the American citizens daily for nearly 6 years with the same old tired line of his little Iraqi "war on terror".
Maybe Bush needs new blood to torture. Goodness knows he has shed enough American blood.
Right on. You'd think Christians would have, in the past 2000 years, learned a little more sensitivity about ethnic profiling. Remember that stuff with Moses and the first born. Jesus was in the same boat, spiritually speaking.
The SAVIOR was ethnically profiled and tortured. Anyone supporting Bush think that Jesus' crucifixion was a GOOD thing? Really? So Judas was a hero, right? Liars.
The SAVIOR was ethnically profiled and tortured. Anyone supporting Bush think that Jesus' crucifixion was a GOOD thing? Really? So Judas was a hero, right? Liars.
Exactamundo, my Patriots! There was a time in our country when good Christians were in charge and peace, love, and hearth was the name of the game, but not anymore! Bush has soured what Christianity stood for. He has perverted in a way that is mind boggling.
I spit on him, his Regime, and every single one of his followers in this country who thinks the torturing of human beings is perfectly okay!
I spit on him, his Regime, and every single one of his followers in this country who thinks the torturing of human beings is perfectly okay!
Bush was saying today that there is a religious revival in the world because of his actions.
Bush thinks that is a good thing, but in reality the religious uprising, is all those Muslim people rising against America.
Maybe thats good for Bush.
Bush thinks that is a good thing, but in reality the religious uprising, is all those Muslim people rising against America.
Maybe thats good for Bush.
Kay in today's world, they would not Crucify Jesus, they would just rendition him to a illegal prison somewhere where they can torture him then,MAKE him disappear, NOT a Martyr...just as they did in Chile in 1973, and Iran in 1953, and Vietnam 1955-1975 and are currently doing in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan; and Israel does daily in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Clif, I swear I can picture Bush & Co. demanding the torture and then beheading of Jesus if he were alive today! Of course, they would do all of that after they took him out of the illegal prison in Uzbekistan. :-)
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