Sunday, September 10, 2006


Bush layed a wreath today to honor 9/11....

...but what a travesty to watch him do it. This man did nothing to combat Osama or terrorism during his time in office before 9/11/01 and it was his Administration and others who stood down on 9/11 to allow the attack to go smoothly. Watching Bush today made me furious because he and Laura didn't look like they even wanted to be there. They had that blank look on their faces as people do when they're bored. Wet eyes would have been nice to see, but what am I thinking? These people, their family, and their friends don't care about the people in this country, but they do care about each other and that is all that matters to them. 9/11/01 has been very profitable for Bush & Co., so watching this warmongering thief lay a wreath today was so disgusting and vile to me. I spit on him and the rest of his Cabinet, again.
I am also NOT watching The Path to 9/11 tonight, which is the right wing propaganda teaching tool for wingnut Americans, because I am not contributing to their lies and deceits. Blaming Clinton is getting old. Bush and his Admin are to blame for not pursuing Osama when they took over the government in January 2001. Clinton was after Osama and even though he didn't get him that doesn't negate the fact that Bush & Co. still haven't gotten him and it's been 5 years since the worst attack in our nation's history!!! America needs to put the blame where it should go: RIGHT ON BUSH'S LAP.
The End.

Bush wouldn't know the meaning of "honor" if it sat on his face. I despise him.
LOL Hill! Jesus H. Christ, you're not kidding about that!

Just to let you know, I was having a ton of trouble posting on Americablog tonight and that is why I didn't stay on the rest of the evening. Makes you wonder if the right wingers have corrupted Haloscan for the evening? Not only do I spit on Bush, but I spit on the trolls too!!!!! They infuriate me!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by Hill! Always love it when you do. :-)
Bush can make a photo op to lay a wreath, but he can't attend even one military funeral of someone he sent to their slaughter.

What a compassionate conservative.
Bush layed a wreath?

Is that like milking a Horse?

If Bush was going to commerate (-11 shouldn't he get a book and stare lost in space
Bush probably didn't know why he was there. Someone rehearsed his laying a wreath and his armpiece probably thought it was a flower show.

What a leader.
Maybe you are sitting alone because your "friends" are tired of the tight-wing rhetoric they hear from you about Bush.
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