Friday, September 22, 2006


The Bush Regime threatened the Pakistanis... telling the nation that they will be bombed back to the Stone Ages if they don't meet their demands! Apparently, the Bush Regime was using verbal torture against nations way back before Americans knew they were physically torturing 'suspected' terrorists. Of course, the Regime also used this same rhetoric against the American people too, except they didn't say to us that they would attack us again like they did on 9/11, but instead, they commanded, "You're either with us or you're with the terrorists". So much for the freedom of speech after that comment! One thing is for sure, we and other nations who were threatened by these yellowbellied warmongering chickenhawks will never forget their threat. How many other nations were threatened by the Thugs in the White House? I'm sure countless. The only way to get these assholes out of power besides the November election is for all of us to stand up against their tyranny.
At the UN recently it was very apparent that close to half the world hates America's leaders right now. The Bush Regime is not relishing in America's good reputation anymore. They've ruined any positive reputation our nation had. Threatening to drop nuclear bombs on a nation to get the leaders of that nation to do what you want is an abomination to what America is all about. Of course, now when we view Pakistan, we realize that Osama has been living there for quite some time and the Pakistani government has told him that he can stay as long as he is a good boy. I guess threatening your world neighbor doesn't work and in the end it only pushes people away from yourself and has your enemy banding against you in the long run!
America needs a real diplomat in the White House and in Washington because the current occupants have pushed the world against us. We can have it if we vote for the democratic candidate this November and kick these assholes out. Well, we can have it, that is, if the elections aren't rigged by the very power hungry fascists we seek to kick out! Pigs.

It is a well known fact that Bush threatened and used tax payer dollars to coerce what few small countries they have into helping.

The British didn't get threatened, Blair was flat out bought off, to be Bush's lap dog and he liked the job so well he remains there to this day.

Even the so-called allies hate Bush because of his threats if they didn't help.
190 countries were represented at the UN when Hugo Chavez called Bush the Devil. And guess what Larry? Almost all of them applauded when he said that! We have no friends in the world and if we do, we won't for long because the fascists in Washington don't like the idea of making friends. They like the idea of controlling the globe! You can't have that mindset and want to make friends at the same time. These guys are power hungry assholes!!!

I think tonight I'll bash my head against a stonewall until I forget about what the Bush Regime has done to our nation and to our good reputation!!!!
The Bush regime threatens the PLANET, Pakistan was 63 on their list.

Too bad for them they are SOOOO incompetent. Otherwise the planet might have something to really worry about instead of just the countries in the Middle east. And they have damaged many places, and caused way too much death, but they are beginning to LOSE the debate here at home, which is why they are running so desperate this time. They KNOW this election is either make it, control for a long time, OR real congressional oversight.

And a democratic congress oversight committee is to a repug as a confessional is to the Devil(no the real one, not the KKKarl frankenstein created one).

So they are worried this time unlike they have ever been.(Until St. Peter tells they they made a wrong turn, and should be reporting to Hades.)
The President of Pakistan was probably threatened big time after Bush's little press conference.

How dare this guy tell how Bush threatens and manipilates people for his own gain.

Doesn't he know we were already aware of it?
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