Sunday, September 17, 2006


Bush's sinking approval numbers....

Well, everyone knew it wouldn't last but can you convince the neocons of that? No! For a week now the neocons online (on my blog and others) have been touting that Bush's approval ratings are at 47% and at the rate he is going he would be over 50% by the time the election comes around. Nope. Didn't happen, ha ha. He has lost 6-points in the last few days and is now at 41%. I can guarantee that Bush's Friday Rose Garden speech did the trick. He came across as a dictator and an ass. Anytime an American president goes on t.v. demanding that he be allowed to torture will definately not help approval ratings!!!! Bush's mouth will continue to decline his numbers, so let's hope he holds more press conferences often.
Oh yeah, and another thing? The Rasmussen Reports poll almost always reflects a higher percentage for Bush compared to other poll takers. Well, if that's the case, then 41% is high!!!! Good. Spit.

if there was a presidential election this year Bush wouldnt stand a chance.

The republicans will sound just like the democrats this election bashing Bush, and unfortunately it just might work. :(
Kay, I wrote an essay on my blog called I want a hero. Let me know what you think. I value your opinion. Thanks
Bush has been falling in the polls since sept 2001, and all the tricks of Rove ET Al has NOT stopped that. They do not even try to fight it, except for election time. Too bad Soo sad this time every trick, and staged event is just a stop gap to Bush having the LOWEST POLL number ever.

He has already cornered the market on worst president ever, and dumbest man to ever hold the office, so in the last two years he should just go for the hat trick and get the lowest poll ever.

The down side to his record setting presidency is the wars, deaths maiming, cruelity, and suffering he has caused to set these records.

He has destroyed two countries,(with no plan for what to do after he did), and lost an American city. Undermined the military readiness of the US for a decade. Probably bankrupted the country, and destroyed the budget process for decades.

But his records had to be set.
Kay, of course you can post I want a Hero on your blog. With my blessing. I added you to my links on my blog, hope you don't mind. All together now, let's spit on bush. 1, 2, 3, go....SPIT! SPLASH!
How many polls really reflect the publics view on Bush?

There are so many people and businesses controlled by big money of the right wing variety, that you never know what is really going on.

Look at the media, they love to promote Bush even as the country and Iraq are falling apart.
Americans don't trust the Bush Regime to the point that when a poll shows a high approval rating, we don't believe it, and when a poll shows he has a 41% approval rating, we still don't believe it!

Of course, we would all believe that 5% of the nation loves him to death because that reflects the number of wealthy in our nation!! We wouldn't argue with that number at all!!

Thanks Hill. I'm going to post it here shortly. :-)
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