Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Chavez of Venezuala called Bush...

...the Devil. Chavez had a right to call Bush this because if you haven't noticed, Bush is attacking and threatening any country right now that is sitting on top of oil!!! Chavaz sits on tons of oil and because of that, he has claimed that our CIA has tried to assassinate him. There is no proof to that but it does seem plausible that the Bush Regime would want to kill him to get a right winger in control of that country to help in controlling the oil. So, is Bush really the Devil? Only the Devil would push His power around like that to get what He wants, so yes.....he is the Devil in many of our eyes!!!!
Only the Devil would look the American people straight in the eye and tell us that the torturing of people in secret prisons is making us safer, knowing full well it's not.
Only the Devil would rig elections to keep himself and his party in power.
Only the Devil would give the Medal of Freedom to individuals who helped him pull the wool over the eyes of the American people.
Only the Devil would say he is spying on you to protect you from the people who orchestrated 9/11/01 only to find out the Devil was spying on you 7 months before that day.
Need I say more?

yeah.. that was really good, i couldnt believe someone said that about Bush right out in public..

btw I had my first troll today, check out my thread about the maine races today lol
How can poor Bush be compared with the devil?

The devil didn't try and take over the mideast oil by attacking a country with no defense.

The devils twin brother did that.

The devil doesn't torture and claim it is for your own good.

His twin brother does that.

The devil in all his evilness doesn't lay up on his little cactus ranch while millions of citizens homes and livlihoods are destroyed by a hurricane.

His twin brother does that.

The devil walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

The devil's brother devours everyone he sees.

Now isn't there a difference in the devil and his twin brother Bush?
The "devil" is gonna have a talk with Chavez about Chavez's slandering the Devil's good name.

Dead Eye is NOT happy either.(He thought he had that meme cornered)
So if Bush is the Devil then that means his appeasers are Satanists.

Yup, it's turning out to be a fine day afterall!!!

This morning I was watching CNN with Soledad O'Brien and she was talking about Bush's current approval rating. On the screen it said '47% approve' and '45% disapprove', but she said out loud, '37% approve'! So, which is it? Is it 37% or 47%?

I suppose it doesn't matter at this point because other world leaders are lambasting him in public! The world hates us and disrespects us and we have Bush to blame for that. So, that asshole could have a 95% approval rating but that doesn't stop anyone from still despising him because his damage has been done!!!!
How insulting to the Devil to compare him to bush...
BTW, I have a new post up on my blog, think you'll like it. At least, I hope you do.
LOL!! I used the same devil-shadow picture in my latest post. I had no idea you had used it here. It probably got used on hundreds of blogs, blogger could save a lot of server space by consolidating all the copies down to one URL. Oops, didn't mean to get all techsnickle on ya'.
SBT!!! I don't hold any claims to any picture that I use and're right! I bet quite a few bloggers used the same picture. Hey, great minds think alike. :-)

This picture is worth a thousand words! Oh how we could fill a hard drive writing about it!!
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