Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Is the Bush Regime planning an October surprise with Osama in it?


If this comment from the LeftCoaster is true, how could the Democrats pull the rug out from under Bush in advance?

One reader thinks that Bu$hCo has already gotten lucky - and that luck will constitute the rumored October Surprise.

Bin Laden captured? In U.S. custody? I think this is the October surprise for the following reasons:

* 1) Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld closed down the "bin Laden unit" tasked with finding and capturing/killing bin Laden.

* 2) The Pakistan government has reached an accord with the Taliban-controlled tribal regions along the Pakistan/Afghanistan border essentially saying that the government will leave them alone if they'll leave the government. Why is this significant? The Pakistani government has been under intense pressure from the Bush administration to find Osama bin Laden, who was thought to be hiding in this Taliban-controlled tribal region. Obviously, the U.S. pressure has lessened. One possible reason? Bin Laden has been captured and is in U.S. custody.

* 3) The U.S. government has had in it's possession a video shot after 9/11 that shows Osama bin Laden fleeing from Tora Bora and heading to Pakistan. A U.S. bomb explodes in the background as bin Laden instructs those with him on digging holes to escape detection at night. Was this video in bin Laden's possession when he was captured?

* 4) Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld just ordered the "flooding" of certain regions in eastern Afghanistan with U.S. special forces units ordered to "capture" Osama bin Laden. I know that this seems to contradict my theory, but think of it as a misdirection ploy. Especially since the "leaked" announcement of this latest plan to capture Osama bin Laden came out at the same time the furor erupted over the airing of the fact-challenged ABC miniseries "The Path to 9/11" in which the partisan producers stress the failure of the Clinton adminstration in the 1990s to capture or kill Osama bin Laden, while exonerating George W. Bush of the same charge.

These "dots" indicate to me that Osama bin Laden has been captured by the Pakistani government or at the least, somebody wanting the reward money turned over bin Laden to the Pakistanis who then turned him over to the U.S. authorities. After the transfer, the U.S. probably flew bin Laden to the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia (a great place to disappear anyone) and are holding him until the appropriate moment arrives...in October 2006 just before the mid-term elections in November.

Just a thought.

Paul Sorrells
USAFSS (1971-1975)
Austin, Texas

Another thought: Bush has gone from saying he never thinks of OBL anymore to mentioning him all the time -- 17 times in a recent speech and again last night when he said America will find him and bring him to justice.
Perhaps the Democrats should take their lead from the earlier Bush and start saying now that OBL isn't that important and that the time is past when his capture might have made a difference.
PattyK 09.12.06 - 8:44 am #

Huh, interesting. MTI, who is the biggest neocon asshole cult member on the Internet, hasn't made a comment about HIS PRESIDENT'S REGIME using Osama for the October surprise. Wow! Now why would that be....he responds on my post about oil/gas prices, but he doesn't even touch the post about his FUHRER bringing Osama out of his Holiday Inn room after 5 years to fake out the masses that he's tough on terror!

Wow MTI! I bet the "Osama Lollipop" wasn't one of the RNC's talking point, huh? You're having trouble coming up with your own comment, aren't you?

Spit on you too.
As I recall, many blogs predicted an "October Surprise" before the '04 Election. Seeing how that prediction was on the money, perhaps for the sake of the moderates and swing voters, all of us liberals should lay off this rather "out there" conspiracy theory?
Hello kayinmaine! First time to your site. Quite enjoy it so I added it to my list of favorites!
Jake, please explain why Pakistan decided a few days ago to let Osama live peacefully there. Huh? You don't find that odd?

Bush's poll rating at the time of 9/11 was really low, almost as low as it is now.

No one knows what the future will bring, that is for sure, but watching all the propaganda and actions coming out of the White House this past week I think was a foreshadow of things to come! My opinion. You don't have to like it or even care enough to write me to let me know about it. Okay?
Hi Sid! Thanks so much for stopping by and for adding me to your favorites! You're MY favorite now. :-)
Kay one more tid bit for the MIX, Musharraf is saying the Taliban is MORE dangerous than al Quaeda....think HE know something he is NOT telling the rest of US?
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