Saturday, September 16, 2006


It's baaaaack! Voter disenfranchizement has returned

Spit. I just found this article on Americablog and I have to say, I'm steaming mad at the republican party and their Diebold/voting machine friends. We're not living in a democracy right now if we have a party who is furnishing the voting machines in this country in most states and who are tirelessly working to squash the vote of the American people. To be a democracy means to be a country where the citizens of the nation cast their ballots to pick their leaders in free elections. Nowhere does it say in the definition that one political party can hijack the voting system to keep themselves in power or push out the strong candidate in an opposition primary race!!!!!!!!!!!! The only time that wording is included is when the nation is run by fascist pigs. The End.

Kay you do not understand....if they can disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters who do not vote for the REICHWINGNUTS, then it is less hacking into the Diebold machines to win. That way we can not complain they stole the election by illegal means, just used illegal means to prevent hundreds of thousands of American Citizens from is not Hitler doing this, nor is it Stalin doing this. Even Osama can not do this, but repug sycophants can...AND DO.

They cry about flag burning...but PISS on the grave of every American Soldier that ever fell defending THE RIGHT TO VOTE.
That's right Clif. What freedoms are our soldiers fighting for if back at home their Commander-in-Thief's party is working steadily to take the one freedom away from Americans who hold this freedom against their hearts!!??!!

"Our soldiers fighting for our freedoms" is a nationalism slogan created by the REICHWINGNUTS (good one Clif!) to brainwash Americans into thinking that guys in caves can affect us.

We're America. We are strong, so it's so surprising to me that some Americans truly believe that our Constitution & Bill of Rights can be taken away from us.

The only asshole(s) who can take our rights and laws away are the assholes sitting in the White House right now along with their criminals in the Congress!!! Other than that, we are a strong country and would never allow anyone or any group of people affect us in that manner.


I'm voting in November like have since I registered to vote 20 years ago and if I have to, I will shove my ballot up the ass of the poll worker to make sure it is counted!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lou Dobbs has been reporting on this for a year, yet the media ignores it.

No wonder people stop voting. Unless you are a right wing lover your vote doesn't count.
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