Friday, September 15, 2006


"It's flawed logic", says Bush the Decider

OMG. The president of the United States is insane and has lost his mind! It was so apparent at today's press conference that he gave that I couldn't but help to think that our nation is in peril with this douchebag running the show. Not only did he hit on one of the male reporters by telling him he looked great (we all know that Bush has had gay experiences in his past, so it's not surprising that his feelings come out quite frequently for the men around him), but he got so angry at the 'audacity' of the reporters for asking their questions, I thought he was gonna come down off the podium and start swinging. What is wrong with this man!!!
So, the burning question: Why did Bush give this press conference today?
Oh yeah, that's right. Yesterday, he, Cheney, and Rove went down to the Congress to pay their Brownshirts a visit to make sure (wink,wink) that they understood what their job was (to make torture legal because Bush wants to torture and there is no one who is going to stop him!). Yup, it was the Bush Crime Team of Washington DC threatening their GOPers to do what they say or end up in the bottom of the Hudson river naked, riddled with bullets, and encased in cement! When the Bush Regime's sycophants didn't follow through on their homework, well, the shit hit the fan. Apparently, the Mafia is still alive and well and as we witnessed today......they don't like to hear the word 'no' still!!!
Here's what Bush said about the Geneva Convention, Article 3:

Bush said the Geneva Convention's ban was "very vague" and required
clarification. "What does that mean, 'outrages upon human dignity?' That's a
statement that is wide open to interpretation."
Bush doesn't know what this means. All I'm going to say to the moron is if one lives their lives in a dignified manner and treats those around themselves the same way, then one would know that waterboarding, shoving toilet plungers up people's asses, and breaking arms & legs is not dignified behavior!!! If we as Americans are acting as bad as the terrorists themselves, then we are no different then the terrorists. Case closed.
Americans have always been proud of our country because we've always treated the least among us and abroad with a compassionate attitude. But, not now. Bush has created an America that is unrecognizable to us. Americans are not barbarians and we must stop acting that way! We don't want our troops to be tortured if they are captured, so we need to stop torturing when we capture one of theirs. This behavior is fueling the hatred towards our soldiers and us. If Bush can't figure that out, then he's the one with TWISTED LOGIC and not us.
There is no proof that the CIA torturing anyone has led to good information and just because Bush says so...doesn't make it so. Bush right now can say, "Uh yeah, see the picture of this guy, well, he was going to blow up a lemonade stand in Lincoln, Nebraska!". Where's the proof? He said it, yes, but it doesn't make it true.
Bush's whole presence as our leader is flawed logic. He's a man who continues to believe that he's right and continues to ignore the very people who pay his salary. He doesn't deserve to be president and he's been the worst president in the history of our nation. Logically, Americans know that and will be voting out anyone who supports him. Now that's the kind of logic I want to see!!!

The media isn't focusing on what Bush really said in his press conference.

Bush said if he doesn't get his way on the torture bill, he will discontinue questioning supposed terrorist altogether.

In other words, Bush is willing to further put the American people ar risk, by discontinuing the questioning of detainees if he doesn't get his way and be legally allowed to torture.

Now that is Homeland Security.
Larry, as you know, I've been saying this for awhile, but...

Bush is an ass!! He is a spoiled rotten Connecticut kid who has had a life of luxury and I bet.....has never stubbed his foot to feel what pain is like!

He's deranged. No two ways about it...the man's eyes are like scrambled eggs because of his insanity. His anger was not making his point either today. He looked like a goddamned angry schitzophrenic who is pissed off at the tree because it's in his way!!

Note to God:

God, if you talk with George "Wiretap/Torture" Bush today can you tell him that he's a lunatic and doesn't deserve to have the title he's been given today? Thank you, God.
Bush said today that he feels good when people tell him they pray for him.

I pray every day for him. I pray for Bush to be removed from power.
That coming from a Flawed decider, whom leads a flawed Administration, with very Flawed people, who use flawed, or non existant plans, to start a flawed, war based on flawed intelligence, to invade a country that was No where near as flawed as they said it was....see Logical.
While you liberals rant about Bush, he is climbing in the polls....thank you.

RealClearPolitics Poll Averages SM
President Bush Job Approval

Poll Date Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 09/05 - 09/13 41.0% 53.7% -12.7%
FOX News 09/12 - 09/13 40% 49% -9%
AP-Ipsos 09/11 - 09/13 40% 60% -20%
Rasmussen 09/11 - 09/13 47% 50% -3%
NBC/WSJ 09/08 - 09/11 42% 53% -11%
Gallup 09/07 - 09/10 39% 56% -17%
Pew Research 09/06 - 09/10 37% 53% -16%
ABC News 09/05 - 09/07 42% 55% -13%
CNN 08/30 - 09/02 41% 55% -14%
Anonymous said...

While you liberals rant about Bush, he is climbing in the polls....thank you.

Yes he is son, KKKKarl's POLE, Jeff Gannon's pole, Victor Ashe's pole, Ken Melmhen's pole, proly even Pickles little battery pole.......yes son georgei likes to go up and down poles.
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