Saturday, September 23, 2006


A Letter to the President...

(Normally my blog is commentary on today's news and my reaction to it, but sometimes I come across a piece that moves me and I just have to post it! The following letter was written by HillCountryGal from Texas. It was banned from being posted on another blog, so being the Patriot I am, I'm posting it here! Copy & paste it as you like, but don't forget to give Ms. Hill complete credit for her fine piece of Patriotism! Thank you!) Enjoy:

Mr. President,

This is an open letter to you. I doubt you’ll ever read it, as I’m a nobody in your inner circle of worshippers. I am, though, a somebody to my family and my friends. And for their love, I exist. I am. We The People.
Mr. President, you compare yourself to Winston Churchill. You lie.
You say the world will see you as a great leader after you leave office. You lie.
You say God speaks to you, thus giving you an extraordinary messianic complex. You lie.
You speak of a hopeful world, one beyond terror. You lie.
You say ordinary men and women are free to determine their own destiny. You lie.
You quote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which declares that equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom and justice and peace in the world. Those words are true, but your belief in them isn’t. Again, you lie.
You say we’re seeing a bright future begin to take root in the broader Middle East. You lie.
You say governments should trust their people. You lie.
You say that when leaders are accountable to their people, they are more likely to seek national greatness in the achievements of their citizens rather than in terror and conquest. You lie.
You say our country desires peace. You lie.
You say you respect Islam, yet you freely use the term “Islamofascist.” You lie.
You say to the Iraqi people that our goal is to help them build a more tolerant and hopeful society that honors people of all faiths and promotes the peace. You lie.
You say to the Iraqi people that we will not yield the future of their country to terrorists and extremists. You lie.
You say to the people of Afghanistan, that together we overthrew the Taliban. We will continue to stand with you to defend your democratic gains. You lie.
To the people of Lebanon, you say we see your suffering. You lie.
You say to the people of Iran we that have no objection to Iran's pursuit of a truly peaceful nuclear power program. We're working toward a diplomatic solution to this crisis. And yet, you salivate over the prospects of a war with Iran. You lie.
You say freedom, by its nature, cannot be imposed, it must be chosen. By gunpoint, if necessary. You lie.
You said Iraq had WMD’s. You lied.
You said anyone in your administration who outed a CIA agent would be fired. You lied.
You said no would could have anticipated the levees of New Orleans would be breached. You lied.
You said you a uniter, not a divider. You lied.
You said “Mission Accomplished.” You lied.
You said gay couples seek to destroy marriage. You lied.
You claim to be a Christian. You lie.
You said private accounts would save Social Security. You lied.
You said those who oppose your views are unpatriotic. You lied.
You have a team of lawyers trying to figure out ways to bypass the Constitution, yet you deny it. You lied.
You said America doesn’t torture its prisoners. You lied.
You said wiretapping is necessary and legal. You lied.
You said you would restore honor and dignity to the White House. YOUR MOST WHOPPING LIE!

When my 5 young grandsons grow older and ask me what did I do to combat the evil you have unleashed, what will my answer be? That I voted AGAINST you? Is that really enough? I will print this letter, and have it leather bound, along with a copy of the US Constitution, to give to my grandsons. It will be my legacy to them. It will be my love to them. It will be my gift to them. It will be my heart to them. It will be my soul to them. And when my time on Earth is ended, it will be my voice to them, reminding them that the US Constitution is the most precious document ever written and they must honor, cherish, embrace and fight for it every single day of their lives.

I will whisper in their dreams the words We Are The People. And they will remember. Forever and ever. Amen.

My letter would be more along the lines of:

Dear Dork,

I woke up this morning to my favorite elitist-inspired rag, and noticed that there are unconfirmed reports that Osama Bin Laden cooled out sometime recent...

What, you not feedin' the boy, any longer? Did he run up your utility bill playing Global Hawk's "Let's Plow An Airliner Into A Skyscraper -- Presidential Cut" videos, or is Barney humping HIS leg, now?

If Chuckles is now up in that big wide emirate in the sky, and your other playmate Saddam is practicing law, whooze gonna build dem future WMD'S? You know, the ones "God" will tell you are there, and to get your skinny coke-snorting ass over there, and root out? In fact, with numero uno patsy up there with all of those virgins, who else fills the bill as rhetorical whipping post for the Republican mob?

Cripes! Someone here mentioned that they needed a hero, but I need a good liar to stoke my boiler, Matey! Hell's bells, if I didn't have a sawed-off version of Jabba The Hutt like you to inspire my caustic wit, I'd probably shrivel up and become a walking corpse like 'Lil' Orphan Annie' Coulter! Minions like your anal-retentive, DMV file-snooping pussy "mti" whose latest mission in life is to crack down on people with license plates on their cars that don't spell IWGBBS (I Want George Bush's Babies) are not enough to hold the interest or affections of this old warhorse for very long!

Now, you have people writing and exposing all of your IDIOT-syncrasies, and the cat is thinking that the bag just isn't a happenin' place, anymore!

Junior, I'm thinking that maybe Big Daddy shot most of his load off to the side that cool, clear Texas night, when he was sparkin' your mama down by the sheep pen! It might explain a lot where your relationship with Barney's concerned, too. You know... the sheep...

Anyway, I think you should come clean just in case there is a place for bad little presidunces down..."there." Besides, you wouldn't stand a chance against Hitler or Nero -- they're snappier dressers than you are!

So, shake Barney loose, and get your ass down to the Oval Office; pen your immediate resignation, and turn yourself in to the federal marshals to stand trial for treason and various war crimes. Do that, and you might just get life in "Gitmo" and not the customary rope with thirteen coils.

Today, we both of us made a meaningful contribution to the posterity of this Republic!

Love your letter too. :-) Well, of course I do. I hate Bush as much as you do!!!
"rocky", you rock!!! I see you love that carpetbagger in our White House just as much as I do. Most "Miss America" contestants say they wish for world peace. My wish? Bush & criminal conspirators impeached, tried, convicted and imprisoned. On Devil's Island, which the French should reopen just for Bushco. Oh, lordy, I would pay good money to see that. And offer my husband's left testicle, too. Well, maybe not that last thing, as he would probably object. lol!!! But I would dance for joy and hug my cranky neighbor...
Ladies... as usual, a pleasure!

Now, you'll have to excuse me, Mutty's got his head caught in the stairway banister again, and the family dog always has his way with him when he's helpless!

(The fucking Crisco bill is going to be murder again, this month!)
LMAO Rocky! Can you give ole Cepan/MTI a swift kick in the ass for all of us? Thank you!
Much simpler letter to the Idiot in Chief,

Foole you LIE, so shut the F*ck up.

Get your sorry ass back to Texas, put that national guard uniform back on, and report to Iraq to FINISH your commitment...

BTW you get to do 1 man patrols of Falluga...

enjoy son, and don't scream because;

1. We will NOT hear you.

2 We do not care, so we are not gonna come running,

Now get moving...BOY.
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