Saturday, September 16, 2006


Which Americans have been allowed to go to Iraq to work?

You guessed it! Bush cronies. We wonder sometimes why it's going so badly in Iraq, even though Bush constantly tells us how wonderful things are progressing over there. Well, after reading this article I now understand EXACTLY WHY IRAQ IS A MESS.
From the article linked above:

Many of those chosen by O'Beirne's office to work for the Coalition Provisional
Authority, which ran Iraq's government from April 2003 to June 2004, lacked
vital skills and experience. A 24-year-old who had never worked in finance --
but had applied for a White House job -- was sent to reopen Baghdad's stock
exchange. The daughter of a prominent neoconservative commentator and a recent graduate from an evangelical university for home-schooled children were tapped to manage Iraq's $13 billion budget, even though they didn't have a background in accounting.
Can you believe that!!!! A freaking 24 year old who has never worked a day in his life was sent over by the Bush Regime to get Baghdad's stock market up and running? OMG. It's shit like this that makes me want to run out of my house, down the street, all the while pulling my hair out. This is why I write "spit" a lot. I'm spitting mad that the Bush Cabal has made a mockery out of our government, our nation, and our reputation. I miss the days of previous presidents who may have hired friends but the friends had skills in the position they were being hired for! Goddamn it.

If this war and the way it is being run can't wake people up to the fact that the current jerks in the White House and the GOPers in the Congress, who have given them a rubber stamp approval the whole step of the way and who have refused oversight of them all, thinks that a ONE PARTY FASCIST RULE is good for America, then you don't understand how a democratic country is run. You definately don't even understand how a small business or a corporation is run either! You don't hire an accountant to install the electrical lines in your house or to install your septic system for your house! You hire the appropriately skilled people to do the work for crying out loud.
The fact that the Bush Regime can't even manage something as simple as choosing the appropriate people to get the job done is an indication that it's time for them to leave after November. It seems to me this way of thinking has to do with how some religious people are. Some don't like to hang out with people who are not part of their church. They would much rather have their toilet fixed by the nice young man who is there every Sunday, because they trust him. He may not do a good job on the toilet, but that doesn't matter to these individuals. They feel that their money should stay within their little community and they don't want to go outside the line for fear of scrutiny either. This is how the Bush Regime has divied up the money in Iraq!!!!
They would much rather keep their incompentencies to themselves to avoid scrutiny.


Hell, Kay, it was time for them to leave 6 years ago!
Kay all reichwingnuts hate government, some like Grover Norquist want to strangle it, he even said so.

So with their hatred of government, you would expect them to do as little to make it work.

This way they can say government "does not work", and then make sure it "does not work".

These MORONS are just doing in Baghdad what they have been doing in DC, making sure their actions match their rhetoric, all the while picking the pockets of the American Tax Payer for their incompetence.
It's so sick what they're doing! Why Americans can't understand that these guys want to crush our current system to succeed in their own fantasy, which is to become the rulers of America is beyond me!!!

If I ran my cleaning business for the past 12 years like these imbeciles, I wouldn't have the reputation I have here in Maine!!!

The Pigs in Washington are vile. Spit.

One thing is for sure, you and I and others have stood up to their madness and cannot be blamed when America's foundation is deleted by these madmen!!!

We can be thankful for that.
Bush could care less if anything is done, as long as his oil buddies get his oil for blood rolling in, and Haliburton and Cheney gaining more taxpayer wealth.
Sweet!! I was looking at this article in The New York Times this morning, and planning on blogging it later today. Great minds think alike!
Sorry, I meant Washington Post, not New York Times.
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