Saturday, September 30, 2006


...........You might be a republican?

Larry Johnson
started this on his BLOG No Quarter

If you enjoy shoplifting while working at the White House, you might be a Republican.

If you enjoy soliciting teenagers and children for sex over the internet, you might be a Republican

If you enjoy sending other people’s children to war while your kids go to college and hang out in bars, you might be a Republican

If you start a war in Iraq while lying to the American people that Saddam was tied to Osama Bin Laden, you might be a Republican.

If you failed to complete your own National Guard service and your Vice President received five deferments to avoid service in Vietnam, but accuse political opponents who challenge your failed foreign policy in Iraq of being cowards, you might be a Republican.

If you call dark skinned people Macacas and Niggers, you might be a Republican.

If you ignore intelligence community warnings that Bin Laden is determined to strike inside the United States, you might be a Republican.

If you follow policies that squander a budget surplus and create an $8.5 trillion dollar budget deficit, you might be a Republican.

If you expose the identity of an undercover CIA officer in charge of tracking down Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, you might be a Republican.

If you believe the President should be entitled to jail, without recourse to Habeus Corpus, anyone he decides is a threat, you might be a Republican.

I for one firmly believe that if you rig or steal elections, you are a republican.

And don't forget the pimping of religion to show that you're a republican.

If you think the Katrina victims living in the Astrodome had things working out quite well for them since they were poor anyway, you might be a Republican.

If you use elements of Homeland Security to track down political opponents(Tom DeLay) you might be a Republican.

If you would impeach a sitting president for lying about consentual sex but applaude a prsident who wants to torture you might be a Republican.

If you promote incompetance and malfeasance and show disdain for reality you might be a Republican.

If you think you have the right to decide how people die in their own homes or who they should marry, or tell them they have no choice in the matter of medical procedures, you might just be a Republican.

If you subpoena comatose people to the Capitol, you may just be a Republican.

If you tell others you cannot marry the ones you love because you are gay while you're cheating on your spouse, you may be a Republican.

If you think you have the right to decide to force a young girl who was brutally raped or a female who's life is in danger because of pregnancy, you may be a Republican.

If you believe that having the appearance of integrity is more important than actually having integrity....

If you do not KNOW the difference between the Sunni and the Shiite, you might be a republican.

If you think that it's okay for a man to say he's a marine, which he's not, runs internet gay military themed prostitution sites and acts as an appropriate journalist in the White House Press Conferences, ...

If you think it's okay to use tax payer money to pay off journalists to write your fascists ideologies as fact and it's not propaganda, ...

If you think a Sears Store Detective becoming the #3 man at the CIA is the best man for the job,...

If you think that borrow and spend is superior to pay as you go, you might be a republican.

You might be a Republican is you Believe that the US Constitution is "just a piece of paper". G.W. Bush

If your philosophy of life can be summed up in these 6 words: "I've got mine so f**k you," you're almost certainly a Republican.

If you imagine that you see all of your own worst flaws in everyone but yourself, you're probably a Republican.

If you think you have the right to require librarians to reveal the books that a citizen has checked might be a Republican. If you think it is a felony if the librarian tells might be a Republican.

If the enemy has launched an attack from Afghanistan and you decide that the best way to counterattack is to launch a war in Iraq, you might be Republican

After careful consideration, I realize that I lack the moral bankruptcy, cowardice, and fiscal recklessness to call my self a Republican. I've decided, I am an American.

And these are the comments up to now, so PLAY ALONG.

Woohoo! I'm still not a republican and never will be Clif! Thanks for the checklist, even though I knew I don't have an Evil bone in my body and that is a good enough reason for anyone to proclaim they're not a republican. :-)
Three more from Booman tribute,

If you enjoy torturing cats to death, you might be a Republican.

If you think all Middle Easterners look alike. you might be a Republican.

If you think we could've avoided "all these problems over all these years" if Strom Thurmaond had been elected President in 1948 on a segregationist platform, you might be a Republican.
My personal favorite and made up by moi:

If you think George W. Bush is a genius, you might be an imbecile just like him.

Okay, it doesn't make sense, but for some reason it feels good to say it!!!

Spit on the idiot for demanding torture and then threatening his right wing whackos in the Senate to pass his Martial Law Terror Bill.

Spit, kick, punch.

I am not a Republican!

I spit on Republican!

Go, Kay, Go!

Spitoon on order.
(see if you can figure out who i am referring to in each of these).

If you go fishing while your daughter is having surgery, you might be a republican.

if you read children's books upside down, you might be a republican.

if you serve your wife with divorce papers, while she is recovering from surgery, you might be a republican.

if you beleive that a woman's "monthly infections" are a handicap, you might be a republican.

if you are consistantly anti-choice - that is, American women should be denied access to an abortion and chinese sweat shop workers in the Mariana islands should be forced to have an abortion, then you might be a republican.

if you can't recite the ten commandments (or even more than 2 of them) although you have pushed for legislation to have them displayed in courthouses, then you might be a republican.
This is off the subject but an example of the Bush family bullshit...
I work for the largest hospital in Maine and we have a children's wing that was dedicated by the Bush family and is named the "Barbara Bush Children's Hospital". The word is that when the stem cell research craze was happening, and GW was getting ready to veto it, old Barb took it upon herself to call our hospital president personally to ask him to shut down one of our biggest and most profitable research facilities that conduct stem cell research. Well his answer was "no" of course.
I think that was pretty ballsy of the man and the way I see it, We can always change the name on the children's wing as it is permanantly attached to our main structure. The gall of this family...

Right on Anonymous! The Bush Crime Family thinks they own the state of Maine and the people in it, but little do they know how much they're hated and despised here!

They're stinking up our state and our country.

Time to kick this Crime Family out along with their friends, people! They're a scourge on our society.

(Great to have a person from Maine Medical Center posting on my blog! A guy I went to school with at Greely is an MD there. He's a terrific guy too and works in the pediatric area)

If you employ photo ops involving compromising positions with Scottish Terriers, have nostrils impacted and encrusted with white crystalline substances...

Have an intelligence quotient below the level that water freezes, have a father that bails out over his comrades in an emergency, a grave-robbing grandfather that helped finance the Nazi regime in WWII, a less-than-wholesome college fraternal membership...

Have a social demeanor that would qualify you for a starring role on "Quest For Fire", the table manners of Arnold Zyphll, are tall, dark, and handsome nowhere...

An affinity for Moosehead beer, be an ex-Zamboni pilot in Hollywood, enjoy tracking people with vanity plates (that when viewed through the clouded and twisted 'mind' of someone that would really kill for the chance to be boinked in the butt by his presidunce!) display either a satanic message or some derogatory statement or description of said presidunce...

Yeah... you could be a Republican... or maybe a Klingon!
I know that my entry on the Barb Bush/Stem Cell thing was little bitchy, but I had to let people know. It's too good to not be heard :)

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