Friday, October 27, 2006


Another Terror Hoax?

Great Britain has "discovered" an Al-Qaida threat to supposedly blow up oil facilities in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

This "threat" was supposedly given last month, but it is just 2 weeks before the U.S. elections that Britain has decided to make it public.

Britain and the U.S are taking precautionary measures to "watch for terrorist" but will not enter Saudi waters.

Is this "threat" another phony attempt to scare Americans right before the November elections?

Is this "threat" more of the same rhetoric that the Bush administration uses when they are in troubled waters with the public?

Is this "threat" not only designed to bring fear into U.S. voters, but also enable Big Oil to have another reason to raise oil prices, without Bush being blamed?

After all the "terror alerts" that suddenly pop up when the Bush administration wants to distract voters from the mess in Iraq, can Americans really believe this election eve "threat" as being real?

I heard about this today and steam started coming out of my ears!! We've had ships zeroing in on Iran over there, but yet, they announce today that al-Qaida is getting ready to launch bombs at the oil refineries. What the hell? Al-Qaida has ships/submarines now? Oh please.

Who wishes and hopes more than anything that the oil refineries all blow up and who wants to attack Iran so it will help them politically?

You guessed it! The neocons in the White House!!!!!!!!!!

I hate them.
After the elections are over, there will be no more terror threats until the next Bush crisis.

How many times can they cry wolf before people wise up and run the whole lot out of office?
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