Sunday, October 22, 2006


Bush met with top war commanders... discuss the strategy in Iraq and to listen to what they had to say, and guess what? No change in course! Yup, Bush, who is the Charlatan of our country, either didn't listen to a word the commanders on the ground in Iraq were saying to him or he just had this meeting to make it look like he's on top of things over there or he just danced around like the good Charlatan he is.

It just seems very plausible to me that when one of the commanders said to Bush in this meeting, "Uh sir, we're in real trouble over there. We don't know who the enemy is and we're right smack dab in the middle of a civil war that we have no part of being in, our soldiers don't have the most current equipment to...", only for Bush to say back, "Well then, stay the course". Another commander says, "But sir, we are not wanted in Iraq and we're hearing from the Iraqis that they want us out and we've come up with a strategy...", to which Bush replys, "Find another strategy then! We're staying the course we're currently on and I don't want to hear differently!".

The course in Iraq to the Bush Pigs is a financial one. They refuse to come out and say that but it's so obvious to myself and others that this is why the Pigs chose to illegally invade and occupy Iraq. Part of the reason was for the oil and the rest of it was nation building. The Pigs are using Iraq as a testing ground to see how much money they can pilfer and plunder from the American treasury by charging our government (and their government too don't forget! traitors they are!!) for services not rendered. They're thieves and why would thieves want to change course when the course has been very lucrative for them!!!!!

The only way to change the course in Iraq is to vote the democrats into control in November. I think the first step the democrats should take is to show Americans where the money has been spent over there in Iraq. The Government Accountability Office stated a few months ago that there was nothing in writing to verify where the money has gone in Iraq. It's been stolen from us under our noses and it would benefit the democrats to show Americans that.

Stop funding the war until the books are straight and if the books can't be straightened out then it's time to redeploy our troops to another country, which will put American businessmen in peril over there and it will force them to also leave Iraq. The Iraqis will be able to PROFIT FOR THEMSELVES and will be able to take back control of their country.

Nothing will change as long as Bush & Cheney's corporate Swines are in there stealing our money. This is the course they talk about when they scream, "Stay the course!". We need to end this course.

It doesn't matter if Bush meets with every commander that has ever put on a uniform, he isn't going to do anything but rake in those bucks, and run his mouth.
Bush never listend to his father, so why would he listen to anyone else?!!! He's a spoiled rotten Connecticut rich kid at heart. He's an ass.
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