Friday, October 27, 2006


Oh the propaganda! Does it ever end with the fascist Pigs?!

Is Dick Cheney insane or does he just have his minions keep catapulting the propaganda for him, so no one will notice that he's a lying, deceitful, fascist Pig? I'm thinking both people! He is a freak of a man!

Yesterday on Randi Rhodes program on Air America Radio she played an audio of Dick Cheney on an obscure radio station in Fargo, North Dakota saying that he thinks waterboarding is a 'no brainer'. When I first heard it, I was livid because all this time the Dick and the Lunkhead have said that they don't torture and waterboarding is not their cup of tea. Well, during WWII our soldiers who were captured by the Japanese were waterboarded and Americans didn't like the idea of it back then. In fact, it's been a technique that we shouldn't be using for this reason alone! Why? Because one of our soldiers could be captured and could be waterboarded and if we, Americans (actually, I should say our 'leaders'), are using this kind of torture, then we are giving our enemies the okay to do the same! Apparently, this is okay now and the Dick is for it. Blasphemy!!!!!

Oh the progaganda too!

Today, Tony Snow was asked quite a few times about Cheney's comments about waterboarding and he started systematically denying that Cheney was referring to waterboarding when he said, "a no brainer". Oh for the love of the Banana Muffins! Americans have heard the tape. Americans have immediately understood that that is EXACTLY what the fucker meant. Americans are NOW disgusted that the Vice President of the United States is having the White House spokesperson now say that he didn't say what Americans thought he said!!!!

(Would someone please give me a bunny rabbit so I could pull it's ears off! This is how pissed off I am!!! Spit.)

Oh, and it gets better. Not only is the Dick catapulting the propaganda by denying infering something when the evidence is plain to all who listen to the audio, but ole Dick's wife also catapulting her own form of propaganda BY DENYING THAT HER BOOK "SISTERS" DOES NOT INCLUDE LESBIAN LOVE SCENES, BROTHELS, AND ATTEMPTED RAPE! What the fuck is wrong with these assholes in the Cheney family? Are they all just fucking insane or do they really believe that MOST Americans are too stupid to realize that they're being lied to and deceive by fascist Pigs hell bent on destroying our nation by flushing everything down the Orwellian Memory Hole?

Well, this American is not fooled and if I had the chance I would spit in the face of the Dick and the Lynn. They deserve it. We're tired of their bullshit.

As you know.......VOTE FOR CHANGE IN NOVEMBER.....even if the race looks like a landslide in the democrats favor! We can't allow these assholes to continue the lies, the deceits, and all their propaganda to enter our homes anymore!!!

being a republican is a mental disorder.
LOL Chris. You ain't kidding!!!! Wow!!!!!!!!
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