Sunday, October 29, 2006


The RNC has received money from the porn industry... the next time you hear one of the right wing blowhard asshats bring up Jim Webb's fictional novel or question Harold Ford on his trips to the Playboy mansion (he's single people....what single man wouldn't go to the Playboy mansion!!), bring this up.

For some reason I was unable to copy sections of Joshua Micah Marshall's column on this subject, but you can read about it here.

There is also talk of Ken Mehlman, who heads the RNC, being a closeted gay who has had a long affair or "friendship" with a man named Phil Berg, who is an attorney.


Nice ugly pic of Ken Mehlman on this thread > lol. Mehlman got OUTED by as a closeted hypocrite homosexual on this past Friday. He had a male lover at Harvard Law School named Phil Berg, who is now a openly Gay attorney, and they still see each other.
I have no idea WHY the GOP wanted Mehlman, a secret Gay guy, to run the GOP party > ask the Repubs in DC?
Jay Randal 10.29.06 - 1:46 am #
PLEASE SPREAD THIS AROUND!!! Hey, if the neo-republicans want to play dirty, then I think it's time for the democrats, liberals, and rational republicans to start spewing some truth back in their general direction!!!

The Republican Party led by closeted Ken Mehlman are totally against an unmarried Congressman going to a Playboy sponsored Super Bowl Party.

The Republican Party fails to mention that noted Republican lovers like Bill O'Reilly was at the same party.

The Republican Party led by closeted Ken Mehlman would have had no problem, if Congressman Harold Ford had attended a Super Bowl Party hosted by Playgirl.
You are so correctamundo Larry!!!!! Please yell it from the roof tops too!!!
i give money to the porn industry, i hope its not my money they are giving to the repubs.
LOL Chris. I have to say when John A. of Americablog posted the picture of the Hog running for Governor I really expected the whole thread to be filled with sick comments, but it wasn't. Liberal men are just terrific. Porno doesn't bother me as long as children aren't involved in it then my head turns around on it's axis!!

The republican party is the immoral party. They're hypocritical too. Spit.
That groundhog has the same expression of bliss that Barney has on his muzzle when ol' Duh-h-h-h-bya has a hold of him!

The corresponding pissed-off look Laura has is also priceless!
Poor Laura, everyone around her is having sex except for her. Her husband is too busy satisfying those religious right wingers who come to the White House for "visits".
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