Friday, October 13, 2006


This is my final answer....

I am keeping my blog this color with this layout and that's my final answer as far as I can tell or as far as I can see and if I change my mind AGAIN anytime soon will you please smack me across my face so I hit the ground to keep me from typing!!!

I've changed it again, because originally, the black background was hard on my reader's eyes (and my own!) and my son thought it looked creepy and scary. I then changed it to dark grey and added a sidebar picture of Paul Revere, but I found the sidebar picture to be too much of a focus, which made it difficult to concentrate on the substance of the posts. THEN, I took the picture off and oooohhh'd and awwwww'd for 33 minutes and then decided to go color shopping and ended up with this one. I find it to be much kinder and gentler to the eyes and I hope you do too.

I think I'm done and over with my 'manic template color addiction' for now. I think. Again, as far as I can see and as far as I can tell, I'm done with changing the background. I truly am. I just know it. I did find a beautiful color called....

Oh God. :-)

No worries, Kay! Just remember what kind of government you've been living under... it's a damn wonder that any of us are still sane...

... well, I guess I'm not, but what the hell, I'm havin' a good time anyway!

Untie my arms, nurse... I want to eat my pablum, please!
lol.. u really need haloscan.

i liked the black, but to each his own. :)
LOL Rocky and how true! Living under insanity for the past 6 years has made everyone who loved America prior to crave for some peace, tranquility, and for some easier anti-war blogs to look at, because we don't want to miss a beat!

Have you tracked down Cepan yet and kicked him til he cried for his Mommy? I'm sure one kick would do it, Rocky. :-)
Chris, I chose the black background originally because I thought it reflected the title pretty good, but after looking at it now for the last 7 months, my eyes couldn't take it anymore. LOL Call me old, but I really wanted a more soothing background. Believe me, it hasn't changed my outrage! Not one bit!!!

By the way, I applied for Haloscan and it didn't send me a confirmation email. When I went back to the site, I typed in my username and password and it said it didn't recognize it. I then tried to re-register and the same thing happened. Not sure why it's happening like that, but at least you know I've tried to get it!! :-)
Alas, Kay... Muffy has enabled Comment Moderation, and my wisdom cannot reach the boy as handily as before. Rest assured, the little Chihuahua is still barking with the Dobermans! I still get a kick out of the way he anonymously comments on his own blog.

I did remind him that it's time his fuhrer retreated to his bunker, along with Laura, Barney, some poison and a Luger. It's the classic way to end any totalitarian reign. Whether or not he posts it is another matter.

Maybe I shouldn't have signed off as "Satan." You think?

Love the new look... see ya!
That's right Rocky! All fascists are cowards in the end and will take their lives to avoid taking responsibility of their horrific and vile actions! As you pointed out, Hitler was proof of this.

Bonk Cepan/MTI on the head for me, Rocky! Bonk him hard!!!
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