Monday, November 27, 2006


Americans cans ask Karen Hughes a question!

Oh my God, this is good. Karen Hughes, who is America's "goodwill" Embassador to help our country's reputation in the Middle East, is taking questions from the American people! And guess what? Out of the 1,000 when I last checked, many of the questions were against her and the Bush Regime. I love it!

If you want to, you can ask ole Karen a question or you can do what I did and read through the ones that have already been asked. FREAKING HILARIOUS!!!

Have fun!

The only question Karen Hughes could answer is does Bush take the prize out of the cracker jacks box before or after he eats the treat.
I think that would be the ONLY question Karen Hughes would DARE TO ANSWER, Larry!

She's been his mouthpiece forever.
I think Bush and Hughes make a great couple.

How do we know they aren't?
Larry I'm gonna have to Brillo pad my minds eye to try to get rid of that IMAGE,.... thanks a lot old buddy.

You surely wondered from time to time if Bush and Hughes were doing the monkey.

They have been side by side for years, both are hateful and ugly, and a perfect match of no personality.
Larry there were some things I really really tried real hard to avoid thinking about, BTW no posts about Bush, Rove and Jeff Gannon, I'm tired of hitting my hand with a hammer every time that is brought up.

It does however work at preventing mental images that could do some very bad long term brain damage.
I never think about Gannon, that is Rove's boy.

Everytime I see that worthless Karen Hughes I can't help but think she should be Mrs. Bush instead of plastic cheeks.
No never Karen Hughes, because IF she really had to deal with the idiot day in and day out for the last 30, years she would have killed the little......wait, she should have married the idiot , your right Larry.
I always wondered why Condi was hanging after Bush all these years unless she was competing for the Bush affections with Karen Hughes.

The same goes for Harriet Miers. Look how she stood looking gazingly at Bush when he was pushing her for the Supreme Court.

Bush sure picks some real winners for his side dolls.
Considering he is dealing with life with brain cells that were killed of by alcohol, and drug usage, which he never has treated properly, he could have done much worse, ....Dan Quayle did not have Georgie's little personal problems and he did much worse.
Laura Bush looks like they stapled her face in one pose so she wouldn't mess up.

Karen Hughes has a mean look and that Texas swagger on her cowboy frame.

Harriet Miers looks like someones old school marm who still dreams of that first date she never had.

Marilyn Quayle is flat out homely and obnoxious to boot.

Maybe she would make a good 4th for Bush.
Don't pick on pickles face, after all the Prozac, Valium, daiquiri cocktail had a bad reaction with the botox, it ain't her fault any more than the mess we call the current Administration is Georgie's.
Surely Pickles face has to hurt after awhile from having the same frozen, mphony expression all the time.

Just like Georgie's face has to hrt from having that constant stupid look on it.
and Karen Hughes is looking the way she does, because Georgie sent her home and kept Condi around, what do you think a white woman from Texas would think about that, after all she groomed Georgie all for herself when he got to the white house, and the little jerk goes all Condi on her.

Ever wonder why Condi got her to go globe trotting all the time?

Karen Hughes would tell Pickles if she could break through the cocktail Pickles takes every day to deal with the biggest mistake of her life.

But for now it is taking our her frustrations on the middle east(where did you think Bush got the war plan from?) and scheming ..a lot of scheming. After all Jan 2009 is a commin' and Hughes will have him back in Texas all to her self, especially if she can get the doctors to up the Prozac to Pickles.
Maybe Condi will run the new
$500 million Bush library and Bush could fly there on weekends to see her while Hughes takes Pickles to rehab.
Pickles is not going to rehab, with all the botox in her now she is a EPA problem now, bush however is not included, because the Mayo clinic wants to see if he is really the first living human with a non functional brain.

Condi will have to visit him there while Karen gets to think she is important to him guarding My Pet Goat in Texas.
BTW someday they will tell harriet meyers she never mad it to the supreme court, but till then they will just let her practice.

Bush being all about honesty and backing his friends, kenny ..who? Jack..who? Well he now says harriet...who?
Maybe Condi could travel the globe with the Bush Babies, shopping during the day and partying at night.

Georgie could bring Pickles to see them on weekends, and while the Babies are getting Pickles drunk, Bush and Condi could hook up.
That would work until the idiot twins tell Pickles, Condi is MORE fun than she is, even daddy thinks so, then Pickles will go postal on the whole bunch of them.

She will blame it on PTSD after 35 years of living with the Idiot, and she will be acquitted even in Texas.
Maaybe the Babies will have Pickles running nude in the hotel hallway, so she can have some fun in her miserable life.

Karen Hughes will press Bush to have her committed because she is an embarrassment..

Hughes and Condi will catch Harriet trying to waltz with Bush.
Naw Larry, Karen and Condi are never gonna tell Harriet she never got selected to be on the court, they will leave her to practice her acceptance speech until the rapture, which will happen right after she makes it on to the court.

Condi really wants Bush all to her self so she will get Pickles declared a superfund site for all the botox, and get Georgie to appoint Karen to guard that holy my pet goat book in Texas while she and the Idiot run off to the new compound in Paraguay.

BTW do NOT tell any reichwingnut Christians the key to the rapture is Harriet Meyers getting approved to the court, until it is too late, like 2010, then let's tell drudge, he'll claim it was a vast left wing conspiracy by James Dobson and Pat Robertson who were just playing reichwingnuts for cover.
If they thought Harriet's appointment would bring the Rapture, they wouldn't have fought Bush so hard for their right wing pick.

Did you ever watch Harriet gaze at Bush like she was in a trance?
Remember Larry, James Dobson ran from Rev. Ted Haggard so his empathy for a man so troubled would never blow his cover now that he is so deep into the gig.

He could NEVER risk blowing it when the future was so secure from the rapture for the next thousand years.
Maybe Dobson should hook up with Hughes.

Both are arrogant, both think they have all the answers.

Both think Bush is a stalwart of ingenious values like they are.
You do not understand Larry, only the FEW know the real keys top the rapture, like putting on lipstick right before it so they will look real good for their meeting with jebus, hence those who can really read the signs need to keep Harriet in her never never land and Bush in the state of denial he has been in since he got selected by the supreme court.

See with out that selection the rapture could never have happened so Dobson and Robertson had to push for the Iraq war to distract Bush from the rapture by making him think invading Iraq was the real keys, and the trance they got Condi to cast over Bush has him stunned like pickles at 6 pm after her third Prozac and 14th drink, and even Cheney shooting somebody in the face did not bring him out of it, losing this election was the reichwingnuts last hope to bring him back to reality, so now they just resolve themselves to being really insane batshit crazy until they get tromped next time where they will just declare Satan on and catch the hal bop comet next time.
Whatever Dobson and Falwell are expecting, they aren't going to get it any faster by telling their self-anointed boy to start more wars.

All they will do is get their followers fleeing the flock.
Hence their real agenda, adding to their bank accounts while misdirecting people as how to start the rapture, you didn't think they were really worried about the world either did you, just how much they could make selling a false rapture to the sheeple.

And with a simpleton like Bush to front for them it has been so much easier this last six years, and they will not even cut him in on it, but then again he proply thinks he has all he can handle with the juggling act of Pickles, Condi and Karen, too bad his burned brain cells can no longer remember what to do. Thus pickles frozen expression and daily cocktails, Condi in a tizzy and Karen running around the world working her frustrations off one more time.
I wonder how much the Dobson's and the Falwells's have lost in deonations to their cause since the war, they all promoted has turned America away from supporting the war?

If their flock flees, maybe their rhetoric will change.
You guys are going to love this! The following was posted to Karen Hughes by my good friend online, Tim Beauchamp (yes, he's the son of the famous baseball player) who also goes by the name, CowboyNEOK:

You are a self righteous, greedy, arrogant woman. You placed your own selfish agenda and personal advancement above the good of your nation. You used your talents to support an incompetent administration and their quest for absolute power. Honestly, I don't know how you can sleep at night?

I will give you this, though. You have the exceptional talent of spinning the truth. I have rarely witnessed someone of your ability for double speak and propaganda. You are admired by many of the blind sheeple in America, or that thirty percent of idiots who still support the Bush Administration, but many of us see right through your charade. I honestly think your biggest problem as Undersecretary is that the disastrous reality you helped create, finally caught up to your framed talking points. Also, its harder to pull the same media tricks, you employed on the disengaged American electorate in 2000, with people outside our country. When the Bush policies run totally counter to Middle Eastern goals, philosophies and their theologies you aren't going to get them to like us with your "aw shucks, aren't we all just soccer Moms at heart" schtick. Ms. Hughes, you truly ARE a piece of work but so is the REST of the Bush Administration. I do think you are starting to realize just what a mess you have made. Its too bad its going to take generations to clean up the problems you helped create. That is, if we even survive the disastrous policies you helped set in motion.

Posted by timbeauchamp on Mon, Nov
27, 2006 3:09 AM ET

Isn't that terrific? There were tons and tons and tons of posts like Tim's to Karen Hughes. Tim feels that Karen Hughes should take all the blame for Bush because when he was campaigning before 2000, she was the one fielding questions from the media because she didn't want him to talk (she knew he was an imbecile). She formed this image in the mind of some Americans that he was better and smarter than he was and is.

Off with her head!!!!!
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