Monday, November 20, 2006


The Bush Economy

George W Bush has been boasting for months about his supposedly "Great Economy". He has touted his economy in speeches for months, leading up to the November elections.

Bush and his mouthpiece complained that the public wasn't noticing the economy, even though they claimed it was so good.

The U.S housing market has shown even more signs of the economic downturn that the economy is in.

October figures show that housing sales has slowed significantly in 38 states. This decline was 12.7% and still falling.

Economists predict that there will be yet another major drop in housing before it hits the bottom.

The Index of Economic Indicators show the economy is growing slowly in areas beside housing and auto sales.

Moody Investor Service predits that the economy may be in for a hard landing.

Where is the "Fantastic Bush Economy" that they bragged about before the November elections? Where are all these jobs that are supposed to have been created?

Bush lied to America to get us into a war that has brought about record deficits, falling housing and auto sales, and the prospects of many more major corporations going into bankruptcy.

Bush lied about the war. Bush lied about the economy.

How many more lies will Americans have to hear before the great "Decider of Lies" completely destroys this country?

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