Friday, November 24, 2006


The Comparison of War

"Of all the evils to public liberty, war is perhaps the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes. And armies and debts,and taxes,are the known instruments for bringing the many under the dominion of the few. In war,too,the discretionary power of the executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices,honors,and emoluments is multiplied;and all the means of seducing the minds are added to those of subduing the force of the people! No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."

President James Madison 1812

These words are very appropriate for the times of today. James Madison made this statement in the time of war. Notice how true those same words are today?

Would Bush understand such a statement or would he even care about the toll war takes on a country and its people? Does Bush really understand war and its evils or is it a means to an end?

Bush extended his discretionary power more than any President and he has multiplied his own worth above the worth of his nation and its people.

Massive debts are already upon us and the dialogue of taxes lurk just around the corner as a tool to further bring the many under the dominion of the Bush few.

If our leaders refuse to look back into the history of wars on the nation, then perhaps its time for the people to retake that nation from the few.

funny how history repeats itself.

i also seem to remember something back then about foreign entanglements.

also something about people who sacrifice liberty for freedom deserve neither. something like that.
History not ony repeats itself, but it appears to get worse as recent trends suggest.
In some ways there is NO historical precedence for the Bush Criminal Organization.

No where in our history has the President been allowed to LIE with impunity, violate the law with congress refusing to do it's constitutional obligated oversight. No where has the MSM been so impotent, especially because they chose to be. The last six years has NO true comparable historical precedence...which make it even more important to correct the abuses, hold those responsible to account for it, and enact a better set of checks on the Executive so it can not happen again so easily.

You are right that history hasn't found an incompetent idiot breaking the law at every turn, but there are similarities in the James madison quote and the outcome of war.
I think the Constitution should have an admendment that says the Majority Leaders of the party in control of the Congress at the time laws were broken shall be charged with obstruction of justice and imprisoned for their role in not providing oversight as the laws were broken.

That would push the assholes into providing oversight, don't you think?
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