Friday, November 17, 2006


New Levels of Hubris

This Administration has achieved a new level of hubris. They have the gall to go to a hungry child and tell them they are NOT hungry, just food deprived. That is right, there is NO more hunger in the United States, just a lack of food. Well some might question why this is important, just ask the hungry child if they understand they are food deprived and not really hungry. Get back to me when the child says they are NO longer hungry.

It is one thing when these cretins play word games with grown ups, but to play this kind of unconscionable word game strikes of stooping into OJ territory. There is probably some correlation here, after all both OJ and these assclowns put themselves FIRST at the peril of everyone else including the children. OJ, his children, these cretins, all the rest. First in running a credit card system of funding the federal government which the children will have to figure out some way to pay for when they become adults. But even worse changing the wording they use to describe the child's empty stomach.

Only in an alternate reality could they think changing the words they use do anything to improve the situation. Yes they might not to have to hear about hungry children anymore, so in that meaning it releases their consciouses from having to realize the hungry child is a result of the policies they fought for and support. In the real world, they have not improved the child's situation, but then again they were NEVER about that were they?

One question, did Jesus call them food deprived children, or did Jesus understand their hunger pangs...and call a Pharisee a hypocrite. These people make the pharisee of Jesus's days seem mild by comparison, at least Herod could accept he created the conditions of the Hungry child. These empty hollow people can not even admit that much. They have NO plan to feed the children, just change the way they describe it. So they can dishonestly say we have NO more hungry children, just some families that are food deprived. I hope they choke on their next meal and get to explain it all to Jesus real soon.

You took my post Cliff,

Last night on Lou Dobbs they had a segment on this and the correct government term (Bush) is not hungry but "low food security".

How pathetic that the richest nation in the world, run by the wealthiest people in the world allow $35 million people to be hungry in America every day.

What a miserable, cold hearted President we have.
I hope they not only choke on their next meal, but I hope they vomit it up and are forced to re-eat it. Spit.

I know as a single Mom I've had days in the last 12 years that have been tough. I'm lucky to be in a position where I have friends and family to help out during those times but there are many in this country that do not have that luxury!!

It makes me so angry the complete hatred these assholes in the Bush Regime have for Americans that are not on their levels. What are they thinking for God's sake? Not an ounce of compassion coming out of this Regime at all, but then again, I keep forgetting that dictatorships don't care about the people and never will.

I think Americans should storm the "Bastille" even though we won the last election. We can't let these assholes think for one minute that we haven't forgotten their greed, incompetence, and their no compassion over the last 6 years.

Great post Clif. Thank you.
There are 16,000 homeless in Los Angeles and 11,000 in Nashville.

There are thousands of single mothers and children who are hungry, wear ragged clothing and many have no heat.

America is the wealthiest nation in the world, yet our government chooses to funnel billions of tax dollars into Iraq, and they leave their own hungry and hurting.
Larry, it's so disgusting and unbalanced the classes in our nation. How can a rich man eating a meal do so in front of someone who is starving and hasn't eaten in days? God! What is wrong with people!!!!!

It's the quest for money and material possessions that has killed the psyche of these asswipes.

My brother is very political in his little sphere and he gave a lecture at Prague University a couple of years ago about the Bush Admin and materialism. He got a standing ovation. He used the Bush Admin as an example of the people of this planet who crave power and material stuff while leaving behind those who don't.

I wish things were the other way around where the whole planet gained up on the measley few at the top who have money. :-)
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