Saturday, December 23, 2006


Bush's Christmas Wish List....


I want more cowboy outfits to get my message across to the American people

I want to bomb Iran when I feel like it

Give me some more power!

Santa, tell them libruls they're wrong about me

More crayons to circle the stuff I like on da global maps

I want peace for my family because they deserve it

I want victory in Iraq (hear that soldiers? Now do it! You're not listening right!)!

Make my egg nog extra specially good this year Santa

Give the gift of privacy to my girls for they do not reap what they sow

I want to hold hands with Prince Bandar again

Give war a's the only way to make peace on Earth

and finally Santa,

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I've changed in the world, give me the courage to continue to change things as I see fit because I am the Decider, and give the American people the wisdom to accept it all as soon as I say or do it for they do not understand that I am really...a peace president.

Thank you Santa!


funny shit
Bush is dreaming of a white America.
Kay we did it again, My picture has Santa taking a DUMP on Bush's head in your image.

Which is both funny and appropriate given the idea of my post.
That picture of The Decider is so cute, he has his little lips pursed and his little hat on and it is snowing outside. What a cute little boy with such a precious little Santa request. I am so glad he explained to us that war is peace and that he's all into peace and stuff. Snark.
Jeeeebus! What else does the asshole want for Christmas! Mr. Selfish and stupid he is!

Well Clif, all I'm going to say is great minds think alike. When I opened up WNI expecting to see the picture of I posted but instead saw the one you posted, I laughed like hell!!! Good one. ;-)

Hi Smoke!!!!!
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