Friday, December 29, 2006


Is Saddam Hussein going to be executed this weekend?

According to the Bush Regime, he will be. Of course, the Regime scheduled this execution months ago around the same time they hurried up the ending of Saddam's trial in Iraq to get to his conviction and then on to better things.

There are no accidents or coincidences when dealing with the Bush Regime. They are schemers, but schemers and planners for the wrong reasons except to catapult their own hidden agenda to use as propaganda. The Iraqis are now saying that they will NOT be executing Saddam this weekend and will wait until the end of next month to do it. If this is true, then it's proof that the whole trial was nothing but a sham and was created in the image of the Bush Regime's fantasy they've had in their minds for over two decades. They're using Saddam's execution for their own political reasons instead of allowing the Iraqis to go by their own rules/laws of their country to show the world that they are in charge over there. The Bush Regime wants to make sure Saddam's death happens on their watch when the republicans in Congress still have control. They would much rather have this than for history to reflect that Saddam was hanged after the democrats took back control. It's all egotistical crap to them 24/7. It makes me angry that they use people like this for their own political gain!!

Saddam Hussein was a tyrannt. He was an Evil man. But....America never should have been taken into Iraq. The Bush Pigs lied to our country for their reasons to go in there. Their whole argument was based on lies, deceits, distortions, and fraudulent documents. Because this is an illegal and immoral occupation of a nation that was not threatening us, this execution is also illegal in my eyes. America would have been better off if Bush and his Cabal had decided to train a few people inside Iraq through our CIA to take Saddam down that way. They didn't of course, but that's because Bush wanted to anchor us in Iraq because of their oil. He and the rest of his Oil Maggots have wanted control of it, because by doing so, it gives them a central front (Bush uses this term a lot!) and a windshield view of the Middle East for future wars for oil to be fought from.

Executing Saddam is not going to make a difference in the Bush Regime's plans. They're doing it for the show and the glory, but in the end, Iraq will end up worse than when the first American boot hit the ground back in March of 2003. Bush and his Cabal won't care, though. They have our soldiers there and they are their anchor. This explains why they want to escalate the amount of troops on the ground, rather then start scaling back.

Spit. I hate them.

I'd like to see a few politicians we all know and 'love' join Hussein doing the Roy Bean Two-Step. It could rival that painting of the dogs playing Poker... I'd call it "Hell's Wind-chimes!"

I doubt it would be a very melodious tune... all of that Cellulite... more like a dull thudding noise, other than the hollow ringing in Fearless Leader's head!

Happy New Year!
Yes, they will execute Saddam, but what about Cheney? Isn't he also guilty of murder??? Let's round them all up!
I agree Glenda! Funny how the Bush Regime can point fingers at Saddam for killing 148 people when they've killed hundreds of thousands!!!

Happy New Year Mr. Rocky!!!! I've missed you. Where you've been? Huh, Bucko?

"Hell's Wind-chimes" that!!
Saddam's killing will prevent courts from holding trials for other crimes- far graver- for which Mr. Hussein is still indicted, such as:

The use of chemical weapons against the Curds in 1988;

The use of the same arms against Iran in the 1980-1988 war;

The invasion of Kuwait in 1990;

The repression of the Shi'ite and Curd insurrections in 1991.

Unfortunately, the more obscure and controversial aspects of those crimes need no longer be dealt with, much to the relief of those who generously supplied Hussein with the means and the support to commit those crimes.

To put it simple, they are killing Saddam now to cover up the crimes the rest of the trials would expose.
Crimes which Reagan, Bush Sr. and Dumsfeld were complicit in.
Been doin' that trucking thing, Girl, jammin' gears and telling lies!

Yeah, Ol' Saddam was just the tip of the burg, and now that he's toast, the ultra-rich can resume their fucked-up-in-the-head "New World Order" horseshit by finding another patsy to take the heat for them.

Georgie's working awful hard to live down to Poppy's standards... which is about 100 feet lower than whale shit!

Spit AND vomit!!!
100 feet lower than whale shit!!! Wow! That is some low. Whew.

I wonder what Saddam knew about 9/11? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....I bet a lot. Good thing they killed him so we'll never know! Bastards. Rotten stinking bastards!!
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