Monday, December 25, 2006


The result of Bush's Democracy in Iraq

How can Bush allow this illegal and immoral occupation in Iraq to continue? What noble cause are we really fighting for, because if it was to give the Iraqis peace, justice, and freedom, well that should have been tackled at the beginning. Over 20,000 of our soldiers have been maimed during this occupation for nothing! Besides control of the oil, there is no reason for our soldiers being there. Had Iraq been the country who did attack us, I could see it, but knowing that 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi Arabians and knowing that the Saudis & Osama bin Laden still roam free (or he's dead and is just being used as the Boogeyman to keep Americans under control by fear) while our soldiers are losing their faces, their legs, and their arms, it bothers me!


It gets worse. I read an article today about how Nancy Pelosi will not allow C-SPAN to pan the camera around the House or Senate when they're in session. She is continuing what the republicans have done since the mid-90's, which is to have the camera aimed only at the person speaking at the podium or a wide shot of where the Speaker is, everywhere else will be off limits. Pitiful and disgusting!

I want transparency, dammit. I want hearings, investigations, and outrageous speeches on the floor of the House & Senate demanding the Bush Administration and all levels of their government from the past 6 years be held accountable and I want to see C-SPAN's cameras capturing all of it!! Americans want to see these people red faced, embarrassed, ashamed, and caught in moments of smugness. Again, we want to see it all.

If Nancy can't do something as simple as allowing C-SPAN some freedom, then I think there is no way in hell the FREAKING IRAQIS ARE GOING TO FEEL ANY EITHER! And guess what? Our poor soldiers are in the middle of all of this. While our freedoms here at home continue to dwindle, they're over there losing their limbs and their lives for freedom that is not and never will be coming to the Iraqis. I WANT THEM HOME AND I WANT THEM HOME NOW. Maybe they could knock some sense into the members of Congress for us. Doubtful but you never know.

Nancy Pelosi is reviewing C-Span's request ~ she hasn't denied it...yet. Hopefully she won't.
I think once the democrats get into power in a few days, the change will come.

i personally dont care where the cspan cameras are (dont watch), but trust me, when the investigations start, the camera will be right on the face of the guilty party occupying iraq and the white house.
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