Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Bush and Napoleon

George W Bush the self-appointed thinker for all mankind will announce his latest plan to "win the war in Iraq" by sending another 20,000 U.S troops into harms way.

Bush will unveil his "latest" brainchild which will entail sending the troops door to door into the neighborhoods of Baghdad, kicking doors of homes down, searching for "suspects."

The last time Bush had such a plan, the Iraqi's refused to show up to help search the homes of Iraqi citizens. The Iraqi's didn't want to end up in body bags.

Bush claims this time is different. Bush claims he has sought the finest minds in the world, looking for different options. After much searching, Bush found the finest mind in Pork Chop Cheney.

Bush will also be sending another $100 million to Iraq for "reconstruction and job creation." How many billions has Bush already sent to Iraq for "reconstruction and job creation?"

How many billions of dollars has Haliburton stolen from this reconstruction and job creation money in the past? Isn't this just all more of the same?

Bush has already caused well over 3000 reported U.S soldiers deaths and thousands more seriously injured in Iraq. Bush has already caused thousands of Iraqi citizens to be killed, and thousands more seriously injured, many women and children.

Bush claims he understands the anxiety of the American people. Bush claims he feels their pain. Bush claims that this plan will bring about sure victory.

Bush refuses to admit that he has brought about an Iraqi civil war. Bush and company will not even use the words civil war, much less allow a reporter to bring such a thing up.

Bush claims he is winning the "war on terror" and he claims if the U.S doesn't stay in Iraq, that there will be another 9/11. Bush claims this is the best option for victory.

In the words of famed political columnist Arianna Huffington - "It's one thing to believe you're Napoleon. It's quite another to send more young people to die in your Waterloo."

nah, hes not napoleon.. napoleon actually won a few battles.
Bush is never what he pretends to be, or ever matches up with his delusions of grandeur....typical repugnant foole just more powerful than most thanks to the supreme court.
Bush couldn't hold the nasal drippings of Napoleon, and will never be the mighty small man his delusions think he is.
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