Sunday, January 21, 2007


Evangelical Methodist Ministers are petitioning Bush's Presidential Library

Ha ha. Poor Georgey. He so badly wants to have a $500 million library to rewrite his own history and he wants to be able to nestle it with the confounds of the Southern Methodist University, but unfortunately, as I wrote about awhile ago (of course my archives are gone again so I can't post my link for you...damn trolls), many of the faculty at this college do not want the library at their school because they think it will damage the credibility of it...and now...other Methodist ministers outside this university are now creating an online petition to also stop the destruction! I'm loving it!!!

Who wants to bet that George W. Bush will have to have the first floating presidential library on the oceans of the Earth because the country he was the president of refuse to be associated with him or his rewriting of his time in office? I wonder how he feels about this knowing that his own Evangelicals are turning against him now? I would love to know!

For those of you who don't know; SMU is the most liberal; biased, preppy, politically correct excuse for an institution on planet earth. They should move their main campus to Malibu and be done with it. Georgie should thank God that that they don't want his paper trails on campus. He should plant his library in Midland or Odessa where his daddy made some major bucks and which would be as easy to get to as Hope, Arkansas. All most of us want to read are the"signing statements", anyway. How about just having the library on the internet with Newt Gingrich as the webmaster and saving the country a billion dollars after everything's said and done?
Heres a trick: Google the story before you write your first sentence.1/21/2007 10:13:01 PM

Here's another trick: Read my post. I never said who invited whom. KMA and good luck running with the big dogs.
"KMA and good luck running with the big dogs."

... or the sheep, right, Snotball?

Hey... Bush just called and said UFO's have taken over the White House, you'd better get the word out in Stupid Land there's an invasion happening. I think there's WMD's involved, too -- just like in Iraq!

Here's another trick, don't believe everything you hear from KNOWN criminals, i.e. GWB and elitist-controlled media. Stick to what you know best... farm animals and inanimate objects with orifices.

I hear the sheep bleating, Pusscake, you'd best snap to.

Hubba hubba!
good morning
Well Rusty, the RATIONAL OTHER faculty members protested this move by SMU, so didn't students, and now Evangelical Methodist ministers across the country are protesting it!

Did you read the post Rusty or do just not have your facts straight and are trying to make yourself feel better?
Would you want the library of the worst President in American history in your town?
Larry said;

Would you want the library of the worst President in American history in your town?

No Larry but then again I didn't want the gutless ignorant dry drunk foole to be president in the first place.
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