Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Insanity at Betting with other peoples lives.

Like an insane old man who has lost way too much, but can not accept his losses, Bush is trying to bet even more in Iraq.

He meets the definition of insanity,"Doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result each time he does it."

He needs an intervention, and since the one poppy arranged failed, it is now up to the congress to begin their intervention with legislation blocking the surge, and then cutting off his authority to keep the troops in Iraq, if he refuses that, then the ultimate intervention...


It is the only sane thing to do then.

Like I said British Gary...insanity. I just did not know about bush taking the tax payers money along with some of their children
The only intervention that will help Roulette Georgie, is the intervention he would receive in Federal prison.
As more and more of our money (that we don't have) is spent outside our country, we weaken as a democracy, which is what certain people want, I'm sure.
For GW to play his little game and immerse us closer to this end, well, if Clinton was taken to task for "sex" or whatever, this guy shoulda been dealt with the
Day Before Yesterday! ; (
that would be funny if it wasnt so true.
Impeach the bastard and the rest of the warmongering thieves in the White House!!!
Clif, I'm loving the cartoon by the way!!! You find some doosies. ;-)
Gary I posted this on another thread but it fits with your post;

Kay, bush admitted they have put a second air craft carrier into the Persian Gulf region.

They want two carriers when they have plans to either severely escalate combat operations, or expand the war, especially when Israel is planning on attacking Iranian nuclear sites, possibly with Nuclear weapons.

A second carrier allows them a much enlarged air presence which is one of the US militaries larges advantages over everyone else in the region.

They want more firepower especially if they can get Iran to fire at the US or Israel in response to Israels attack.

This would allow the naval air assets to attack some targets close top Iraq in Iran at the same time Bush sends the B-2 bombers from Missouri to attack larger military and infrastructure targets in Iran.

they might be planning to enlarge the war in Iraq into a regional war including Iran, and try to get Syria to attack Israel, which would give the neo-cons the war they have always wanted. If they get it, Bush would have the ability to enlarge the military and send troops for extended deployments and try to destroy Iran and install a puppet government there, which would make the Saudis happy and force the region to accept the US as the dominate player for decades, too bad the Iranians are not going to cooperate any better than the Iraqi have.

Gary Bush is not just doubling down in Iraq...he is subtly trying to draw the other countries he dislikes their governments in that region into the conflict so he can destroy them like he destroyed Iraq.

He along with the neo-cons probably think if they destroy enough, they can control the region and get the US oil companies to develop the oil and steal the money for them and their friends.

It is like he has lost every bet he has made so far so he is trying a hail mary bet for all, but I fear he will end up with nothing but a larger fiasco and a hell of a lot more dead Americans and people in the region.

And the horrific blowback we as a country will face when it all collapses..

1979 in Iran was because of 1953 coup by the CIA there.

The "jihadists" are fighting back against the western occupiers of their country both militarily or those who prop up totalitarian governments who play the western foreign policy against the will and wishes of their people...Bush is making a bigger gamble with this escalation in Iraq then he did in the initial invasion.

he is betting it all now, but has no real plan to play, he has wasted his good chances with dumsfeld and his political tricks to get his re-election in 2004, that was the time frame he had to win, everything else has been a slow fight to prevent what we face today...and will, face in the near future. a defeat that will far overshadow Saigon April 1975.
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