Monday, January 15, 2007


Nobody Can Stop Me

This is my war and you can't stop me. I will not rest until the world is at war. I will not stop until I control the Mideast oil. I will not quit until I control the world.

I don't care what Congress or the American people think. I want more bloodshed and I can't be stopped.

Or, this
Larry, the guy's POTUS; he's got 2 more years. Get your foole ready. It's your turn next.
he's closer to what a baby does Potty than potus, and thats not even counting the tantrums.

BTW are guy wont be a fool, like your fool in chief.

But you are correct, it will be our turn next necause the repugs will be finished for decades if they dont blow up the world first.
Mike, Busboy doesn't see the world falling apart in a Bush led swamp of violence and hate, he sees the world through eyes of dollar bills.

If there is anyhting left of this country when Bush gets done, maybe our guy can put some of the pieces back together.
Pussboy I see you got OVER the embarrassments of empty threats on the AMERICAblog eh gutless?
"So AMERICANS…what are you going to DO?
Crack jokes? Scream how ‘stupid’ Bush and Rice are? Keep blogging? Stay indoors? Keep warm? Stay dry?"

Would a .300 Winchester round between the eyes qualify as affirmative action toward the Bush problem, BG?

Or a 7.62MM Nato pill for Blair?
What, the British people suddenly have no backbone? Sort your own government out!

You afraid we'll bomb you if you don't play Iraqi-smacky with us? Gimmee a fucking break! Did you ever for one second think that maybe if there were a COMBINED international effort -- including the Brits getting off of their "fat arses" that maybe ol' Dub-ya might be forced a tad closer to capitulation?

You're good with advice, now maybe it's time to take some of it home, eh wot?!
"So what advice do you have? How can I help America most in your opinion? By dealing with the symptom rather than the cause?"

A kiss-up PM and parliament are YOUR problem, Matey. You deal with it at YOUR discretion. You see, unlike SOME PEOPLE, I wouldn't presume to know what renovations are right for someone else's house.

We don't pass the the buck here in America, just the ammo... like in 1776!
Back again? Some trolls never know when to quit.

Okay, witless... let's see...

"If Britain didn't kiss up to American leaders you'd lose yet another ally. Ever stop to consider that?"

So what the fuck are you bitching about... Tony's doing his job! At least you admit your PM is a kiss-up.

"You pass the buck whenever it's in your interests to do so."

Yeah... England practically invented it. You've probably got grounds for copyright infringement!

"And when the time comes to put your money where your mouths are you welch. Pathetic."

Again... grounds for copyright infringement.

You're boring me, BG. Your self-righteous diatribes only prove that you're probably an unpleasant person to be around, as you really can't resist telling everyone how they should live or run their country. No doubt you're the same pain in the ass in your private life, too. Do you post your wife's orders on the fridge before you leave in the morning? Do your kids (God help them) wear uniforms and salute you?

Judging from your 'bio' you're used to TELLING and not LISTENING. That was evident from the very first time you 'appeared' on this blog. Explains a lot.


Who, pray tell, are those ballsy PATRIOTS you refer to... our servicemen, or those glorious old-timers in the 18th. Century that drove your English asses into the ocean when your pompous arrogance and incessant meddling became too much to tolerate!

You remind me of another idiot that likes to 'grace' this blog periodically. He thinks Bush can do no wrong... you should hook up with him. You both know it all, and it would be interesting to see which one comes out on top. Just imagine... TWO Jesus Christs in the same room!

Seriously, BG, you ought to get proactive. Get yourself a good rifle with good optics, and position yourself with a good view of 10 Downing Street. You're always blathering on about how complacent and ineffective we are here in America... give us an example, Love! Pop Ol' Tony a new asshole right in the forehead! And when they cart you off to Newgate to rot, all of your countrymen will shake their heads and quip: "Blimey... there ought to be a law!" There's complacency in action, Love!

I love these exchanges with you, BG. I do have to go away for a few days on business, but, like all things annoying, I'm sure you'll maintain a presence here during the interim. While I'm gone, you can meditate on what I've attempted to relate to you. There are probably many good counsellors in England (being it's such a high-strung and uptight nation) that could probably help you get in tune with others and not just yourself.

I promise to continue working with you as long as you need me. By the way, you might avoid any really DEEP dives... it's harmful to the brain!

"Rocky, you are right. The best way forward is for me to murder Blair. What was I thinking? Of course that will stop WWIII. Then I should shut up about protesting in America and blog in a friendly manner, nothing too provocative. Then I should stop pointing out the obvious so you can feel more comfortable having nice chats on blogs....

How could I be SO wrong? Clearly you are already taking every conceivable ACTION to stop WWIII."

No problem, BG... you're forgiven! Happy diving, Love!
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